No, im not really a spacecowboy

how do i start a blog…
well SpaceCowboy is me from 2017, thats when it seems i first registered on this site. today i dont feel as space-y or cowboy-y as i did then, and wtf is a spacecowboy anyway, there are no cows in space idiot. its always interesting to meet my past self.
ive noticed my trading is missing discipline and i was thinking maybe if i had a blog i would take it a bit more seriously. the last year i have put a lot of energy into finding a good strategy that i can comfortably trade w/o anxiety and stress. i have been having really good results, been profitable every week for past three months or so. im very proud of that, and it kind of gives me hope that trading forex can be a real thing. but ive been making a lot of mistakes, making stupid decisions and consequently stupid trades. some days it seems i wake in the morning and just completely forget my strategy. more practice and discipline needed here.

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Good luck in learn and trading :slight_smile: :+1:

It’s normal to have off days as well as on days, so don’t beat yourself up if you fail to milk the cow. I have learnt not to trade if I’m not focused, and I’ve found that it doesn’t matter until I get the urge to get back in the saddle.

Bear this in mind. Any new trade opened and closed whether it’s a loser or winner, it’s just an insignificant number in your universe of eventual trades that you will carry out over the days, months and years to come.

I find my daily journal is a great way to explain what happened to me on that day, what I felt like, what happened, my emotional response, and what I could have done better - or similar. I even pat the cow’s back if I followed the process to the tee, even if it failed.

Best of luck.

very good :slightly_smiling_face: thy

This… i find im really lazy when it comes to reviewing. i mostly just look at my losses for like 20s decide i made a mistake, mentally register not to do that anymore, and move on.