No long streaks allowed approach ideas?

Hi everyone!

I’m looking for a forex approach (Risk Reward 1:1) that will be having not long streaks of Losing Trades in a row. I don’t care for having any long winning streaks to balance it. I don’t even need to be at 50% win rate. I can take even 45% or even 40% Win rate. All I’m interested in, is not having Long streaks of losing trades.
Something like L,L,W,L,L,W,L,L,L,W,W,L,L,W can be even cosidered accepatable.

Does anyone know something that can make this(not long losing streaks, I don’t care for having winning streaks) happen?

Thank you in advance and have a nice day!

Hi, you can use trailing stop in strategy. Regards Greg

How will Trailing Stops help in it? I was interested coming up with an approach or strategy based on indicators about achieving that no long losing series

If you toss a coin 100 times - try it - you would expect the outcome to be in the 45 - 55 range. However, when you count the numbers there will be consecutive heads and tails. I counted 13.

This would be the same outcome for a 50% winning probability of 100 trades. This the reality.

When you are building breakout strategy, price moving very fast, so trailing stop can improve your results. But sooner or later you will meet losing series. Regards Greg