No second guessing!

It’s been a long road of unsuccessful careers and failed businesses, but this time it’s no looking back. Plan to educate myself to be the best trader thanks to websites like this! Thank you!

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Right place to be. Welcome!

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Welcome to the community. It is one of the best place to learn.

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We all make mistakes. The worst mistake is not trying to succeed at something.

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What do all your failures have in common?

I think we often repeat the same mistake, but it manifests in different ways.

Get to the root of the problem. Otherwise, you may be doomed to repeat this cycle forever.

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yes best things manifest from adversity ,it would be so boring if life was a breeze all the time

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Thank you :pray:t6:

Thank you!

This is some amazing advice, looking within is always the solution to the failures. I am finally taking this on with the purest intentions with love for the buisness and a clear head to gain knowledge. Thank you!

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Just to give you a heads up. Even if you find out what the problem is, that’s not enough unfortunately.

Hard work does not always equal great results. Especially not in trading, I’m learning. Just because you find out what the problem is, your life and trading won’t improve.

You have to FIX those habits/behaviours/attitudes.

Creating new habits is unpleasant. But, I suggest you choose one new habit at a time, and do it repeatedly until it become a real habit.

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I appreciate your words.

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