Noobs Common Mistakes:Orders

:thinking:IS it a Noobie :nerd_face: Milestone to go through this (No Money) or am I mixing up my LIMIT ORDERS :microscope: :eyes::face_with_monocle:

NBG, if you place a trade and it goes the other way just kill it.

@midwest That part I understand. These copied Orders are LIMIT ORDERS…but I DID NOT delete them, somehow they got Deleted. Some Limit Orders go through. Maybe I should tag because they do this too and I’m not sure what wrong am I doing. Unless if there is some broker mishaps🤔

My experience is that if you have say 5 orders open and one of them is triggered which is so large that it takes up all available margin, the others will be immediately deleted - they can’t be triggered as there’s not enough margin remaining for an additional trade, and the system doesn’t wait to see if your just opened trade will be closed to allow a further trade. Is this what we’re looking at happened here?

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It is my limited experienced understanding that a Stop or Limit order should unless the expiration is set and is triggered to be closed.

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@tommor…thank you kindly. Now I understand. Let me go study some more.