
Hello everyone,
can anyone tell me about northfinance & their credibility? I mean, am i safe to make them my broker?

If you notice 99% of the bad reviews about them have nothing to do with their trading practices but only the fact that they are not regulated by the NFA.

they are an offshore company located in belize primarily but have offices in russia, shanghai etc. i think their ok and have thought about opening an account for an EA I want I might try live. I’m a cms guy for manual trading.

It’s up to you, they have traders funds in segregated accounts, which means unlike NFA regulated broker REFCO if they go bust your funds should be safe.

Hello cryten,
thank you very much for this vital information.I’m actually thinking of northfinance and marketiva.But since marketiva is still new(2yrs) in the market, i’m not too sure how long they’ll be around.Is marketiva regulated by NFA?

no Marketiva is not regulated by the NFA, they are however regulated by the FSA (Financial Services Authority)

FSA Firm Ref:
Firm name: Marketiva
Post code:
Match level: Best
Currently authorised: Yes

Financial Services Authority (“FSA”) is an independent non-departmental public body and quasi-judicial body that regulates the financial services industry in the United Kingdom

I would check out They seem to be regulated by everybody and I have read some good reviews on babypips
Their website probably puts alot of people off though, not the best I have seen

It’s a new contender for me lol

yeah, I am pretty curious about too… are they legitimate?

happy trading

I have over ten clients with NF and I haven’t had any negative feedback from them. Always found their customer service excellent.

One thing about stifx is, from reading on ForexFactory, they seem to have their employees plugging them on threads. And I see what you mean about their website(!)

Hi, are they using the live account instead of demo? How about cash retrieval from the account? user-friendly as well? Could someone with NF Live account comment on this?!

Cheers! :slight_smile:

… working without licence (?)Προειδοποιήσεις%20-%20Ε_Κ_/Announcement%20(Warning)%2008.30.2007%20North%20Finance%20Co%20Ltd.pdf

NF ? its now FXPRO company.
| about StiFX its make me hard to become it’s customer. I’m still finding broker that use MT4 and allow minimum deposit around 100$, anyone here know ?

thats why fxpro has taken over now silly