Not an EA but an app for a mobile device . . anyone?

I’d like to create a very simple app for our Kindle fire -
I’ve been researching a bit - but really unsure of what or howmuch is involved -
any advice / tutoring would be appreciated.

App is simply about 60 questions - from there I want to auto-save it to a spreadsheet or database on the ‘main’ computer - - but I don’t even know how to write the app yet.

SO if you’ve written an app - compare it to learning mq4? but mq4 is all in one - how do I write code on main machine - and load onto kindle as an app?

edit- I’ve created the hello kindle app - - but I’ve got no idea how to get it on the kindle or test it in an enumerator - - studing now -

Trading on a kindle? Well, that’s new and interesting. Feel free to share it right here if you need ideas for implementing or testing. You might also wanna try looking at EA-creating websites that simply MLQ4 coding for you in case you wanna translate that app to an EA.