Not too shabby!

2,100 pips isn’t bad for my first trade! :smiley: :eek: :cool:

Hate to disappoint, and maybe you know this, but that’s only 21 pips…it’s a bug in mt4pips that apparently they are working on. According to my statement, I’ve made over 30,000 pips…lol

Still… 21 pips isn’t bad :wink:


Thank you, I didn’t know that, but I thought it seemed like alot more than I was expecting to make.

So is the $ amount correct, or is that off to? It says I made $481.10.

The good news is, the $ amount is correct :slight_smile:

You had 2 full standard lots which is roughly $20/pip (2 lots x $10/pip)…therefore 20pips x $20 is $400…(plus the pipette and actual exchange rate)

Nice trade!

21 pips is excellent man.

now you gotta keep it up!

well done!
Keep records of all your trades, and you will survive in the long term :smiley: