Now or later?

So then, what is the best time to short these currencies this side of the pond?

This is the time when you can catch the mice innit?

I have waited so long for this, and 34 pips at 50:1 leverage, patience pays innit? how much profit does anyone expect in year?

Let me see if I understand this: YOU are asking US??? LOL!!!

By ‘these currencies’ I can only assume you’re talking about the EUR and the GBP (and some other ‘choice’ European currencies like the RON, BGN, stuff like that)???

Well for what MY technical trading systems (analyses???) are worth: you should have / could have been short the EUR and GBP a LONG time ago. I can only tell you when to long them again!!! LOL!!!



haha, well funny. You are asking us what to do.

How about a coin toss?


Nah, nah: what I meant was that purplepatchforex is an experienced trader so I thought it amusing that he was asking this question!!! I thought maybe he was ‘drinking on the job’ when he posted those messages!!! LOL!!!




Alrighty then and on a SERIOUS note: I got THIS in my Inbox this morning:

FOREX PRO WEEKLY, November 29-December 03, 2010 - Forex Peace Army Forum

I don’t know if it helps (as you know I don’t follow any analysts no matter WHO they are and no matter WHO they work for but if it’s just an OPINION you were looking for then there’s an OPINION by somebody who I can only ASSUME actually DOES understand ‘fundamentals’)!!! LOL!!!



Hey - you need something to keep you warm in this weather we’re having over here.

But there was some seriousness behind it, with the state of the economies in Europe, the Greek and Irish bailouts and I reckon more will follow, will the Euro as we know it now last? or are these the first signs that countries might start having a serious think about pulling out?


Oddly enough: somebody sent me a picture or two of the snowfall in the UK today!!! That sure looked like something!!! LOL!!!

Regarding the EUR: as much as I’d just love to give you one of my ‘long winded opinions’ the fact of the matter is that I don’t have one!!! LOL!!! Put another way: no matter what they do as long as it shows up on a chart then I’m happy!!! LOL!!!

It’s a good question though (and I’m sure sombody like rhodytrader would have some input on something like this).



I’m with you, I don’t particularly care what happens, it’s between me and the charts, but look what I came across !!!

Ireland ‘likely’ to leave Euro - The Irish Times - Sun, Dec 05, 2010