Now that I configured Metatrader to send an email to my phone

How do I get it to automatically send an email when a condition is met? Is there a tutorial on that covers this?

Also where would you go to learn to set up a remote desktop on your phone? What phones are best for this?

I’ve currently got an iPhone and use an app to Remote Desktop to my home VPS I set up. It works great.

As for email alerts you would need a PUSH service from your cell provider so that your alerts are instantaneous however the script through MT4 eludes me (I’m not fluent in MQL4).

I’d be interested to see a script like this in the works/working; would be very helpful.

I’m aware of the VPS method, but i’d like to just load up metatrader mobile since my next phone will most likely have windows mobile

HTC Touch Pro 3 (drool)

I’m currently setting up a VPS at home and would be interested in a link or direction where information on that is available. It’d be good to try out.

If you have a windows based phone, you can trade directly off it with the MT4 application… ask your broker for it.

just google metatrader mobile for info and make sure your broker offers it offers metatrader mobile and also eSignal for your pc/laptop for free