Oanda account activity not adding up

(EDIT: Update in new reply below)

Hey all,

Been learning trading for a few months and working on the Oanda demo account.

Ive recently took a closer look at the “activity” tab which shows you every single action you’ve taken on the market including buy orders and closing trades and the resulting prices.

For me I like to be able to look over things and check the numbers all add up and understand how things calculate so I can take this into account for my trades.

My account is in £ and having traded in BCO I assume I’ve bought in $$

In the above screenshot, we see the order was executed at 65.210 and closed at 65.267 with 100 units. (0.057 increase x 100units = 5.70 profit)

Im not fully clued up on half spread cost but I have a basic understanding and regardless the page clearly identifies two half spread cost charges for entering and exiting the market. -1.4282 and -1.0705. noted as a cost in £

Any which way I look at this, I can’t understand how Ive ended up with +£4.07

First though is 5.70 - 1.4282 - 1.0705 = 3.20 which is far below 4.07 and further more, the price difference of 5.70 is presumably in dollars and the spread cost in £ would make me think after converting everything to pound it would be even less than 3.20

Can anyone help me fathom how this has actually calculated?



Ill apologise firstly as I posted at the same time I was reviewing your course material.

I understand now that we are talking about a movement of 5.7 pips and need to first identify the price of 1 pip and times by 5.7, this reminded me Oanda has a pip calculator and sure enough filling in the fields tells me its £0.7142 per pip x 5.7 = £4.07

I really cant work this out for myself using the direction indicated in the course material; I would have thought this would be .01pip / 65.2 buy price of 1unit of oil = 0.0001534. I dont understand how you get from there even with currency conversion. If 1 pip = £0.71 then that’s the equivalent of approx $0.99 - I guess it doesnt matter if you have the pip calculator.

Beyond that though, whats the deal with the half spread cost? Is that presumably already accounted for based on where you entered and exited the trade and just noted in the activity history for reference?