I was kind of learning about point and figure charts, and I currently use Oanda, because it is a free platform, mainly. Been trying to find point and figure charts, but can’t seem to find them. Is it used only with a funded account. Anyone here use Oanda or have may be able to help with this. Yea, I know, I can contact Oanda. I see they have some examples, but they don’t say answer the 2 of the 3 questions, of how or where.
I did finally open my eyes on Oanda’s platform to point and figure charts. I was looking at the charts all along, but I did not know they where already formatted. There measured in pips of 20, 30 and 40. With a 3 box reversal. 3 *box size. Which is O.K. since Forex is measured in pips. But, I am still trying to get some practice. So it is fine with me. Still I believe it could be a big help, I am not an expert in Point and figure charts, so I decided to buy a book on it. (The definitive guide to Point and figure charts.) So I am still learning about P&F charts.