Oanda question

Hey guys, I trade with Oanda both live and practice. The system I am using is based on orders. I was wondering if I put in an order with an expiration date of one week, if I changed it to a one month expiration date a few days before it expired from having been put in a week ago, would that make the order last a total of 5 weeks? Or would it just add 3 weeks onto the order expiration making it last a month? I have to put in lots of orders all the time but it would be nice if there was a way to extend the orders so that I don’t constantly have to replace them assuming they last longer than a month. Thanks for your help

Oanda help, will answer that question better than any of us can explain to you.

Or in the tone of some of the posters in here at the moment.

You’re asking the wrong place, don’t bother us with Broker specific questions, this is a general trading forum, besides if you’re asking that question, you clearly can’t trade, you have no idea what you’re doing you may as well go home :smiley:

Seriously, Oanda will give you the best answer though, I have found their support on the odd occasion that I have used it, nothing short of excellent.

Ever heard the statement “assumptions make an ass out of you and me?”

Assume all you want, I don’t fill the ass role in this situation. I know what I am doing. I am simply trying to exploit a simple idea that would save some work for me. It wouldn’t change my success rate, just the amount of time I put into placing orders that’s all. Oanda isn’t the right place to ask this hence why I choose this section of the forums.

Terribly sorry, but it looks like a purely mechanical question to me about using their platform, sorry if I understood it incorrectly.

I hope you didn’t take my sarcastic comment as I was actually knocking what you do, I’M absolutely NOT.

It goes when you entered so if you were to Enter

Order at
Oct 14th 9:00am EST

Expiration 1 day Therefore your expiration will be

Oct 15th 9:00am EST

And say you shift it at

Oct 14th 9:15am EST

Expiration 2 hrs

The new one would look like

Oct 14th 11:15am EST, also when you are changing it via computer it will show you at the bottom on the oanda platform the day and time it will be cancelled on your ticket

Long story short from the time you edit it the expiration will start counting down and it will not and SHOULD NOT stack.

Than you tansen. I was afraid that was the case. Damn. I really wish they could stack, it would be very nice.

Miscommunication purple… no worries. I don’t mean to come off as an asshole. I just get sick of people telling me I don’t know what I am doing, or that my system blows or whatever. It gets old when you have all the proof in the world to back up your claims and even then, only a select handful intelligent people believe in you.

You have atleast a quarter to change your mind lol

Shoot, this quarter is going to possibly be the most profitable for me thus far. I love when the market goes down, more orders clear on these down days. Granted I have only cleared 60 pips today in the buy for the euro. I’m hoping for at least 80 to a 100 by the end of the Asian session especially since yesterday I only made 80. We will see though. I need at least 500 pips per week to make half a percent of my account balance per week