Oanda web site in chinese only

Hi, guys
I was recearching Oanda as a broker, and their website is completely in chinese now.
Was it hacked? Is my computer messed up? Do they still take U.S. customers?

Cannot attach a screenshot yet, but please let me know if you can get oanda website in English.

I’m with Oanda Europe.

At the top of the page are two boxes with dropdowns. The one on the left is language choice, the one on the right offers the choice of Europe/Asia/US. Maybe you found the asia site and it defaults to chinese?

works fine for me, i am actually in china and used oanda.com and got the english version

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If you’re using Oanda’s FxTrade platform, click the “Tools” tab and select “User Preferences”. Then select “locale” and change the language setting.

hope that helps

It’s just optional, as others have pointed out, you can reset it back to english…and in case you are still having issues, let us know or better yet, contact the CS