OB_Beast here how is everyone doing?

Good afternoon my good people. My name is OB and I am new here, and why am I here? Growing up it was believed that to be successful you have to study hard, so you go to university and when looking back can one say they successful. I am here to learn so I can pass on the knowledge. therefore I need to all the help I can get so I can change a lot of people’s lives. I thank you

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Welcome OB! Where’s your home country and how did you discover this website? :slight_smile:

Welcome welcome! :blush: I’m fighting the urge to bring in a Star Wars reference. :sweat_smile: But I think you’re here for a very noble cause. :blush: How long have you been trading forex?


obi wan force

Welcome! Be sure to complete Pipsology!

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Hey I’M from South Africa and heard about the site through a friend.

:rofl: :rofl: :joy: thank you, and I’m only starting today with my school in forex trading :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


OMG :joy: Of course YOU had to do it.

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Take your time! :blush: It can be a bit complicated sometimes but if you ever have any questions, don’t be shy to ask them here! :smiley: Very warm and helpful community. :blush:

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thank you will totally take you up on the offer for assistance cause I’m sure will need it. :sunglasses:


Awesome! Hope to visit ZA one day! What’s a must-visit spot there? :slight_smile: