Observed some grammatical errors!

Babypips is really helping we newbies to understand the forex market by providing School of Pipsology, where the contents are easily digested with good understanding.

But did anyone observed some gramatical errors while take the lessons or I am the one who is misreading it. Below are some I found during my studies:

“Are you sure they are who say they are? Is it a legitimate company that really provides forex trading services? Or is it a fake fore broker? How do you know the company won’t just take your money and disappear?”

“So if your forex broker is able to quote you any price it wants, how do you know the prices see you on the trading platform are fair? Where do the prices come from?”


Hi @AlfaaJalloh,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We’re always on the lookout for ways to improve our lessons and materials, so we truly appreciate it. I’ll share this with the team to have it revised accordingly.

Nonetheless, should you spot any more typo or grammatical errors, we hope you could let us know.

Thanks again. See you around!


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Nothing significant caught my attention. It’s a free course, and a free forum. I’m not so worried about small grammatical errors like that.

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Grammar’s really important. Grandad has his moments too.

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@Penelopip My pleasure :hugs:.
But you and your team deserve all the thanks for offering these free valuable contents and creating a community for like-minded people!

I am forever grateful to y’all!

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@dushimes Ok. I am a bit of a perfectionist, I think that’s why I can easily spot mistakes. :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

@tommor And the Grandsons are roaming around here! :rofl:

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