Ode to the Journey

First USDX

Important noted levels

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Zooming down to an hourly… I expect a bounce at the blue box. FIb and Support turned resistance.

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So Ill be looking for the USDX to drop this week… I think pound and fiber will continue in their move up. Ill be watching the levels marked on the usdx for price to react.

BOND YIELDS!!! Okay this will be the first real time that I pay attention to these so we will see how they go. It looks like we have some divergence with 2 year t-bills not making higher highs… That’s a bearish sign for the us dollar index.

image ru

In conclusion. Bonds are indicating that the dollar is going to fall. If this continues ill be looking to buy the Euro pair… On top of this, looking at the Open position ratios in oanda and myfxbooks 60% or more are short on the Euro. Dumb money. Ill be avoiding the pound as it burned me Friday and I really have no idea where it is going. I wouldn’t mind shorting it early this week(Monday and Tuesday) but I think ill just leave it alone unless it just screams at me.

I’m not posting euro or pound graphs because I really don’t think they help with my weekly bias. Ill post those when i enter and exit trades.

Everything I talked about at the start of last week came true… The only thing that wasn’t right was cable fell like a rock Friday… I was in a long position so that was painful lol. Its my own fault for being in on NFP. All in all, I hope I am as right this coming week as I was last.

Hi, I just wanted to say that I love your commentairy on Bonds, they help me alot to understand the correlation and what to look for! please keep it up :slight_smile:


Thanks man. Honestly I am horrible with bonds so take what I say about them with a grain of salt.

The last two weeks I have been looking for longs. I was looking for the usdx to bounce at different fib levels that I thought where important. I did catch a couple really nice trades but had several stops taken out. So I am down about 4% on my account. My bias was basically wrong these last two weeks. Lets see how I do this week. I’m cutting my risk in half this week. My trading sucks so I have to stop the bleeding somehow. haha

Pipmart, price action alone wont cut it, as you can see… You need to use a trail stop… If you target is 100 pips, at least have a trail stop at 50% of that…

I never got into ICT stuff, so I dont know what your doing to be honest…

Check out stoch 5-3-3 at the very least, and just never trade against it in the 15M TF…

Its been a while but I am getting back up on the horse. yeehaaw…

I went back and read through a bunch of my old post and stumbled across this. It was posted a year ago next Wednesday…

Its kinda sad that the list hasn’t really changed. I have gotten more familiar with bonds and swing projections but not nearly as proficient as I would like. Here is the new and improved list that I shall start working on.
[li]Bond Yields
[/li][li]COT Report
[/li][li]Intermarket Analysis
Hopefully in a year I will see more progress then I have since the first list I posted. :wink: