Official Monero wallet compromised, website hacked

Monero’s website appears to have been hacked this week. The attackers managed to replace the official Monero wallet with a compromised version that steals funds, sending private keys to an external server.

The Monero team is still investigating the matter, but it seems that the Monero community is largely unaffected by the breach, It appears that the malware was only served to Linux users, and one Reddit user claims to have lost $7,000 as a consequence of the hack. The issue with the wallet lasted for about 14 hours on Monday, after which Monero developers changed the source of the wallet’s binaries.

That is the security of cryptocurrency for you, I am highly doubt that something should happen with that matter anyway. and that’s why I prefer dealing with stocks lately cause you really can loose a lot of money anyway for many many reasons out there.

I keep hoping things will improve in that regard but no such thing is happening.