Old Newbie bent on slaying the trading dragon

Hello I am a recently retired (67) because of a spinal injury, but figured my brain still think’s it’s 35 year old that still is to slay the dragon. Had a very varied life from military flying in the Rhodesian war to being Production manager of large production factories, starting Companies and building them for investors or owners who want to grow to the next level. So businesses are cool but the trading has always been something I aspired to try. What I know about it can be written on a postage stamp!
I live in beautiful South Island of New Zealand in Christchurch have lived in my birth country Rhodesia now Zimbabwe, SouthAfrica and have now been in New Zealand 14 years and this is heaven compared to my past experiences.
So now my task is make something of trading!

Welcome aboard this great free education site. Just press the Learn Forex green button above to begin your journey. Take it easy, one step at a time to see if FX trading suits you and your lifestyle.

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Practice and experiment on a demo account first of all until you have developed a profitable strategy process to follow for every trade you make.

Best of luck.