Onasisforex a scam?

I don’t want to be judgmental but I want to know if this broker is really genuine, OnasisForex! I was checking to see if they have any reviews online but in vain. Just when I was about to give up, I came across something interesting on the site. Normally, genuine brokers have a green lock on the left side of their address bar, but this broker has none, There is no Demo, Not regulated, no nothing!!! They only have the option for opening real account, here is screenshot.

a trained chimp would realize very quickly this is an obvious scam.

it is scam, their website is somewhat ugly, i do not like their templates
and if you read it carefully , they are not even update their website.
if you comparing broker websites, like Tickmill or other, you will find out many brokers have good website design. they really put effort in their website.

hmm… so we have an ‘ugly website’ and ‘trained chimp’ references that this broker ‘must be a scam’, and on which to base our judgment - how about more thought out and research based responses; such as links to actual users of this broker…such as:

Onasis Review And Rating, onasisforex.com | Myfxbook

or even to forexpeacearmy which lists scam sites…no reference…

…three of most highly regulated brokers in history have gone bust in the US in the last 10 years…Refco and MF Global and PFG Best…it means nothing unless you have government guarantees if things go belly up…

…for what its worth this is the only broker in some 20+ I have used to date which has provided a ‘trust’ deposit account ( account opened in my own name) with a top German bank - now that is impressive…

I have also traded news with many of those 20 regulated squeaky clean looking regulated websites, and found the opposite to be true…the squeakier clean modern they looked the quicker they were to stop trading privileges when my accounts moved nicely into profit…food for thought…

Actually I found all the options like demo account etc. on OnasisForex, but allowed volume is too high for me. It’s 0.1 lot and I think I won’t be able trade here with small deposits.

Check if/where they are regulated. Personally I have a few misgivings, partly because of their location (Seychelles) and I am always wary of brokers offering 100% bonuses, but you need to make your own judgement call

I won’t really waste much time on that, it looks absolutely useless…

what is useless sir?? checking regulation??
Do regulatory so important for us as trader??
If a broker got collapse, are they guarantee our loses?
I don’t think so.
For me I just looking for fair and honest broker. Liteforex is totally recommended