One click trading

One-click trading: A shortcut to convenience or a potential pitfall? Share your pros and cons! While it streamlines execution, it also demands caution to avoid impulsive decisions. What’s your take

Wouldn’t recommend for traders (ME!! :sweat_smile:) who still often act on emotions and are prone to typos and clicking the wrong buttons. :sweat_smile:

It could be either of those in my opinion.

Convenience = If that 1 click trading you’re using is able to preset risk per trade either in % or $ doesn’t matter how tight or wide your stop loss is and this is all done before you enter a trade. There’s a software that can help you on this matter.

Pitfall = If you blindly press buy or sell using this 1 click trading without a preset stop loss and lot size because what about your stop loss then? wide or tight? lot size? Because how wide or tight your stop loss is going to determined what is the appropriate lot size to achieve a certain % or $ that you are willing to lose on that 1 trade.


Absolutely essential for scalpers, of course.

(But they’re not trading spot forex anyway.)