Opening US Market

Hi everyone,

I watched a video about the US market trading where the person says that about 1/2 hour (7:00 am) after the market opens (6:30 am), it often hits a support or resistance level.

Now from what I read, the US market only opens at 8:am!

Anyone can explain me more about this? (Can’t share the vid, otherwise it might be seen that I want to promote something :sweat_smile: )


Hi Michael,

The U.S. stock market, including NYSE and Nasdaq, opens at 9:30 am ET. However, there’s pre-market trading starting at 4:00 am ET. The times you mentioned don’t match standard U.S. market hours. You shouldn’t believe everything you see on YouTube.

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What US market did the video reference? Equities?

Maybe this will help.

While your times don’t make don’t match 100% to the start of the NY trading session (perhaps timezones and daylight savings are playing a part here), you could easily have a look at EURUSD to see what happens between 7-9 AM ET.

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I figured out that the trader in the videa has a 3 hr time difference (earlier) then NY, therefore 6:30 opening of market makes sense. Thanks!

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