Operation: CENTERBOARD by IKC (4 of 4)

Omnia scire quaerimus glorificare Qui Omnia Novit

-=( ^ ~ ^ )=-

Welcome to the Fourth and Final Journal of this KittyCat!
This journal is focused on capturing Trading Action (and will likely be the most boring among the four journals I made)
It is with the intention of: (1) Proof of concept and (2) Keeping track of our knowledge and its application that I started this journal. Unlike the other Three (3) Journals, this one shall be short and sweet and shall be more direct / straight to the point. This journal is mainly for keeping track of the technical side of our trading journey.

Should you have trouble understanding the jargon on this journal, please read at least on my 3rd Journal


May you break resistances and reach new highs!


Thank you for sharing those things.!!

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Helloooo @Imperator_KittyCat! :blush: Super nice to see you’re quite active also! :blush: I don’t think I’ve had the chance to check out all your 4 journals yet, but I just got curious! :sweat_smile: If this one is mainly for keeping track of the technical side of your trades, I hope you don’t mind if I ask the objectives for the other 3? :smiley:

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Nice to see you around as well, hooman! I see you are one of the actives on this here town. hihi… :cowboy_hat_face:

Sure thing! Here they are!

Operation: PAPERCLIP by IKC (1 of 4)

Journal on Personal Thoughts and Stories over a wide range including motivation and inspiration

Operation: TRINITY by IKC (2 of 4)

Journal on Personal Finance Thoughts that show tips, tricks, and ideas that may help with money management and savings

Operation: SILVERPLATE by IKC (3 of 4)

Journal on Trader and Trading System Development discusses my process on developing my trading system and defining my trading process

The Fourth journal is where you are now and now there ain’t a thing yet but soon we’ll see this filled with entries. :smiley_cat:


May you break resistances and reach new highs!

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Good to see you active again. I just had to translate that first line. They didn’t do Latin where I went to school. We were deemed too common to study Latin, and that was a 1970s Grammar School - up North. I am at peace with the translation though. :pray:

We seek to know all things to glorify Him who knows all things

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Ahihihi… don’t let this cat trying to be fancy with languages get to ya. :sweat_smile:

I am glad we’re on the same page and are at peace with it. :smiley_cat:
Stay pawesome and well! I’ll get active on this journal as well soon! :smile_cat:


May you break resistances and reach new highs!

It’s not a passing mark as per our system. We can’t take this one. It fails mainly because it does not fit the criteria of our system to look for a “trigger”. This can be profitable but from a “continuation” or “trend following” perspective, ignoring the “trigger” requirement.
The conservative chap can wait for a pullback, but this one may still have some gas. :smiley_cat:

You’re not worried about USDJPY selling off because of intervention?

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