Opinion Wanted

I’m pretty new in forex, so I’d like your comments on the trade that I took just now

So this was how I took it:
On the one 1 hour chart I noticed that a support level was hit, and MACD was going to intersect. On this note I was fairly confident that price will rise, but I don’t know by how much, although I was expecting it to stop at the next resistance level shown in the 15 min chart.
When I took the trade I drew a fib retracement, and found out that price was already hitting the 38% level, so I had a long order.
My initial plan was to exit at the resistance, about 10 pips away from entry, but I was afraid so I stopped at 3.8 pips profit.

This was my first live trade ever.
Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

And if you happen to have any trade that you’re willing to share please do so.
That way we can learn together

Long road to go mate. Stick with you system and keep posting your good luck.

You got out with a profit, can’t knock that
Keep it up