Orders keep getting rejected on TradingView

Hello to all. I opened a demo account on ICMarkets, and it’s set at 7000$, I found out they set the leverage to 200:1 by default, and asked for it to be 1:1. They said they did, but it remains to be investigated as I noticed that my positions require less capital that needed. Nevermind, the problem I am having is that my orders keep getting rejected even with that leverage. I cannot get into a position of more than 1000 units, and sometimes not even that. Why that may be according to you ?

Call the IG helpdesk, explain you are a new trader and ask them what you are doing wrong. Be prepared to have your trading screen open when you call them via phone or chat. I am sure they will resolve your problem.


Ensure you have enough funds in your account to cover the margin requirements for your desired position size.