Parabolic SAR - that's all!


The system as described is simple: if your last fractal is an up fractal AND you already have the Parabolic SAR parabola being drawn by the dots in the same direction then you place an order above the high of the bar that has just closed above your last up fractal (and the opposite for a short entry). Once in the trade you then follow it through to its ‘logical conclusion’ using Parabolic SAR. It doe not matter whether the fractal is ‘inside’ or ‘outside’ of the parabola i.e. it’s the LAST VALID FRACTAL that you’re looking at assuming that you’re not already in a trade.

As stated previously though: I do NOT trade this system and it was just an idea that I ‘threw out’ for other people to expand upon if they so wished.

Thanks for your prompt reply!

If you are adverse to trading this particular method may I inquire as to what “system” you do find of interest?

I believe you initially began this thread indicating you were having some success trading parabolic sars holding multiple positions in the different currencies, or maybe I misread. I have not read all the pages in this thread so I may have missed any comments you may have made about what you find works, or does not work.



Ok well here is where I’ve ‘arrived at’:

But before you even go there I STRONGLY suggest that you take the time and put in the effort of reading THIS entire thread. I promise you one thing: making it in this business is not as easy as the first few pages of this thread may (mis)lead you to believe!!!

I am well aware of how difficult it is… :frowning:

I was one of the first to bring a computer into the commodity brokerage firm I use to work for 30 years ago to track price movements and still unable to find anything that works well enough to rely on. :frowning:

At that time I predicted that one day the computer technology would allow anyone to trade from their home sucking millions into gambling on the various commodities.




My apologies to you then (of course I just assumed that because you had just joined you were new ‘to the game’ as it were).

I’m surprised that after that amount of time you still say that you’ve not found anything that can be relied upon?

Anyway: I have indeed found something that can be relied upon I assure you i.e. the work of J. Welles Wilder (and I would imagine that him you would have heard of i.e. he’s probably more from your ‘era’ than mine by the sounds of things and was (is) exclusively a commodities trader).

haven’t been here for long time, glad to see dpaterso, are you making millions yet?? do you still trade using psar?

Hey dundee,

Nice to hear from you.

Yup: I’m still here and doing well now. It’ll take me while still to get back where I was and then some but at least things are working out very consistently for me now (I EVEN have some clients that I trade for would you believe and they’re all doing well and very happy so far)!!! So yes: LOADS have changed and THIS time (there’s no ‘maybe’) I’m coming to visit you in Finland!!!

(By the way: I stopped trading Parabolic SAR for a while mainly because I think I got sick of it AND because of last years fiasco but I’m using it now and then when I’m 1000% sure of the trade (probably more than ANYTHING I’ve learned patience and restraint)!!!

Are you still trading??? Do you INTEND to start trading again???

Let me know and PLEASE stay in touch!!! (My new email address is [email protected]).

yea I’m still ‘trading’ with marketiva and I practice trading with real money(with so small amount that you start laughing if I tell how much I trade with :slight_smile: )

but I like to trade with real money (even small amount) better than virtual money

and I don’t trade with psar anymore, I use pivot points

let me know when you’re coming to finland, you propably can afford your own private jet!!!


Not quite (about the private jet I mean). BUT: I can promise you that by the time I DO come to visit I’ll be able to put any ‘Argentinian record producer’ to shame (and I assume you’ve bought / heard ‘her majesty’s’ new album???)!!!

Anyway: here is where I’m ‘at’ now (this is MY ‘holy grail’):

Keep in touch please.

hey my old chinaaaa how r u.Man it has been so long time since i posted here and i sent u zillion of mails and no answer i never cheked the forum for a while as i was busy i didn’t even read the new stuff u u sent any ways seems u r doing well that is good

so how is every body?


ohh my god i just discovered i missed alot i don’t know how to start to make sure i i am on the same page like u guys hmmm it is too many pages now i have to read and understand .to be honest with u after Dale’s faliure i was disappointed but i was stubbern and i traded with the old theory which made me double my money in 1 month then i started to lose 50% of what i gained i got scared from the fact that i will lose every thing then i was busy buying a new home -renovation but now i am back!!





So glad to see YOU’RE back too!!!

If you SEND email messages to my NEW email address then I’d respond of course!!! ([email protected]).

By the way: I’d not really bother to ‘catch up’ what you’ve missed I don’t think. I’ve come up with one or two ‘ideas’ that I’ve ‘thrown out’ here for people but I don’t trade them. If I remember correctly: you ordered ‘the book’ last year did you not??? If so then go to my new thread. I promise you faithfully that you will NOT be sorry!!!

ALSO: PLEASE stay in touch!!!

hello guys,

How is eveyone doing? Psar? is it still working with u guys?any one is following it?


hello guys,

it seems that the psar is still not working and it is becoming an old fashion!!

Any ways hope to find someone who is still intrested on it!!


Noooo. Parabolic SAR DOES ‘still’ work just not the way we were using it last year!!! Having said that there are far better ways to profit from this business AND YOU ‘my China’ already KNOW where to look!!!

SAR has peaked my interest. I am currently trying to hash out a method of trading it. Ill keep ya’ll updated.

Yes my friend i know it but i am still waiting for your email!!!

Well i know as a matter of fact that the PSAR is working and is working great the problem with it is that u have to determine the trend weather it is going up or down u have to make sure with the market and this is the only problem we have to determin i know it sounds simple but not easy to know and if u will use all the signals that will tell u weather to pull the trigger on buy or sell that will always mean u will have to stay away from the market for a while and u will leave lots of oppertunities.u will waste lots of them.

me personaly what i did is that i traded when ever i have all my signals that shows me the market iks going up or down that may be happen every 2 month with the psar forming a new signe (opposite direction) it always go right but again that means i will stay away from the market for long time.which bothers me as i want to be a daily trader not a sesonal one!!

Any ways that was just a thoughts that i have about the PSAR so i hope we don’t give up this system coz it has it is magnificient moments if we use it wisley.



Yo Dale where are you?

Here is a parsar indy I found.
its interesting. (2.35 KB)

Hi, could you please tell me how to use it and how to install it, since it sends a file that can not be open in my computer.
