Parabolic SAR - that's all!


Of course you know why. All the market is constricted at a standstill so when buyers or sellers get their way, there is usually a trend. Inside Bar and Harami trades are based on the same premise.

I’m sure there is a longer, more precise way to state it but thats the bottom line.



Who is the HARAMI here!!!

By the way Harami in arabic means a theif!!!

So what system u r following Geldon?? do u have a nice constant profit?


What kind of money managment should be used for this system? How many lots should be traded relative to account balence and what leverage?
Thank you.

Ok guys,

i am here online it is now 5:45

I opened a postion 15 min ago USD/JPA

my 15 min stretegy is met so i opened this postion market is slow little bit but it is showing some nice proft now i am trying to confince u guys with the (8-21) EMA!!

let us see how things will go for this trade



Hello there

and welcome to our thread i think this is your first time here u know should pay money before we answer this question???!!!

I am joking man dont be scared!! so what system u r talking about coz Dale is using the 50 EMA system and some of us are using another system so which one u r talking about??


OK - well - that’s it for me!!!

Woke up this morning - still about $700 loss on forex. No more for this man!!!

I will trade Gold, Silver, Oil, and the Indices at Delta and GCI using ‘Da Final System’ and that’s it!!!

Sorry folks - but forex pairs ‘just aint’ doin’ it for me’!!!

Just take a look at the attached chart (Nasdaq 100 Futures). It’s a thing of beauty!!! It consolidates into a range that’s tighter than a ducks arse every single day of every single week (so does the Dow and S&P 500) and it breaks out of this range every single day of every single week (I’m giving my secrets away here). Show me a forex pair that does this!!! And as these are futures you get a ‘heads up’ every single day of every single week what the ‘main’ index is going to do when it opens!!! What more could you want??? I’ve been a fool!!! I’ve wasted money and time!!!

Soybeans - here we come!!!

It feels good to have made a decision!!!

Anyway - I tried to (wanted to) started a thread on babypips dedicated to equities trading some time ago but there was not enough interest so if it’s alright with you ‘guys and dolls’ I’d like to ‘hang around’ here (I’ll essentially be an ‘outsider’ from now on i.e. not a forex trader). On the other hand you’d be surprised how the price of forex pairs is influenced by equities (if you don’t believe me have a close look at what happens to GBP/USD when stocks fall through their arse or reach for the sky)!!! Maybe we can compliment each other here i.e. I’ll take the equities and try and give you a ‘heads up’ on your crappy forex pairs!!!

Edit: MAYBE from time to time I’ll ‘throw in’ a ‘commdoll’ or two but only when when the underlying commodity tells me it’s OK to do so!!!

By the way - I could not help but laugh when Akram told us what the word ‘harami’ means in arabic.

Kinda’ says it all don’t you think???

And I think I must look up this ‘Jimmy Young’ character - sounds like ‘my kinda guy’!!!


that is not fair u will leave us my friend!!!

Well the point of trading is a subject by it own Dale no matter what we trade forex Indicies whatever all what we want ( i think) any thing that can get money that is all we need.

So i think there are some of us who are intrested in trading the Dow…
what i am trying to say is that I (we???) we will give this softwar our best and we can still talking here about both forex and any thing else what do u guys think??

Any one here want to share this new experiance??? hello any body home??? wake up guys!!!

OH Joanne are us sure u were watching the news??? wasn’t it a cartoon or an old film!!! Girl nothing is happeining here even our presedient he is still Alive!!! i hope that u r not mixing up with IRAQ?? we r a different country!!!lol


Hey Akram, don’t worry ‘my china’ - I’m not going anywhere, just concentrating on instruments (and a trading style) that works for me.

C’mon - let’s face it - just how long do you think it will be before I come up with another ‘brainwave’ or ‘new system’ or some or the other ‘tweak’??? An hour maybe??? Two hours??? OK - let’s give it a day (you guys should take ‘side bets’ on this)!!!

Hi Dale

Don’t abandon us now, there are many of us following every your move. There’s something that came to me this morning: you started this ‘system’ in the first place coz you didn’t want to scream at your monitors and shread your nerves. I’ve been through most of threads here and I’ve seen you guys going away from initial thread, and I suppose that your TS are filled with indicators and stuff. I liked this ‘system’ in the first place coz I could put my brain in the jar and keep it in a cold and dark place and make money. I had a lot of problems (costly problems) with my own ‘gut’ feeling and I recognized this ‘system’ as a way to trade and make money with no side effects like misery and things.
The thing is me and my brother are backtesting (and counting pips :)) and so far it looks very good. IMHO the thing we have to define is money management, the amount of money we have to have to support worst scenario and to survive it. At the end there are many pips to collect, we just have to be able to see them. At this moment I’m trading with ridiculously small amount of money just to feel the trade. I’m not going to skip any trade, as you stated in your first threads, and to take all the goods and all the bads that come out of it.
As I mentioned earlier, I’m in this with my brother, and we are going to do some more backtesting to try to find "armageddon’ in the past years and to see what would save such situation.



Hey Slipper, thanks for posting (where are you from)?

Don’t get me wrong - I’m not abandoning anyone or going anywhere!!!

To be honest I feel that, aside from sharing and being given ideas and input related to trading on this thread, I have ‘met’ some very genuine and good and honest people (I would go so far as to call them friends even although I’ve never met any of them) and I would not give that up for any amount of money!!!

Who else is going to read and listen to my ‘sh*t’ on a Friday night???

I know I have strayed about as far away from the original system (‘pure’ Parabolic SAR) as is humanly possible and - although this may sound strange coming from me now - I still do believe that in the long run Parabolic SAR will turn a good profit. The major problem though is that because we are all trading with limited amounts of money it’s almost impossible to make any ‘real’ money on a monthly basis out of ‘pure’ Parabolic SAR i.e. ‘pure’ Parabolic SAR is for ‘tradevesting’ i.e. long term. Once you break the ‘pure’ Parabolic SAR ‘cycle’ i.e. close out positions at month end because you need to pay bills etc. etc. etc. you’re pretty much ‘screwed’ because it may be ‘forever and a day’ before you can get back into the market based on a ‘pure’ Parabolic SAR signal. I mean - when I had that $50K ‘windfall’ a couple of months ago (when I started this thread) - had I just left those positions (or been able to leave them) alone and not drawn my profits out (to service outstanding back payments of debts) I have no doubt that by now I would be sitting with an EXTREMELY ‘handsome’ balance but it was just not possible to keep my creditors at bay for much longer and to be honest all of my accounts are behind again so I’d pretty much now have to draw again anyway and then the whole cycle would begin again. That’s why I ‘strayed’ quite considerably from ‘pure’ Parabolic SAR.

As also previously stated Parabolic SAR was developed by a commodities trader not a forex trader and while it MAY work on forex pairs it certainly ‘lends itself’ far far better to being profitable on equities and commodities which don’t appear to suffer from the same amount of volatility and ‘violent’ moves as do forex pairs i.e. far less ‘false’ Parabolic SAR signals and the like.

As a matter of fact I’d like to see a more in depth study done relating to this magical statement that ‘markets only trend 20% or 30% of the time’. I’d be real interested to know the percentage ‘split’ between forex pairs and equities and commodities. In other words I don’t believe that the ‘trend percentage’ (for want of a better adjective) is the same for forex pairs as it is for equities and commodities. I mean on the Dow, S&P, Nasdaq, DAX (you get the picture) I see a trend of one form or another on a daily basis i.e. very seldom do I see these things ‘stuck dead in the water’ (even if there is a weak trend there is nevertheless a trend) and that’s where ‘pure’ Parabolic SAR excels.

With equities you also get many a ‘heads up’. In other words - I would go so far as to say that 99% of the time - once a huge selloff begins on one instrument or in one exchange - you can be sure that the rest of the world will follow suit. One of the things I do ‘religously’ every morning is check what happened with the ASX, Nikkei, Hang Seng, and MSCI Taiwan and this already (most of the time) is an indication of what’s going to happen with the FTSE, CAC, SMI, DJ Euro Stoxx, etc. etc. etc. during the coming session and in their turn what happens to these indices during the day is another ‘heads up’ as to what’s going to happen with the Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq etc. etc. etc. when the NYSE opens. See what I mean? You just have more ‘guidance’ (again for want of a better adjective) and if you don’t know what you’re doing every little bit of ‘edge’ that you can lay your hands on is beneficial to say the least.

And lastly - like I said - that $50K was the worst thing that happened to me for the simple reason that ever since that happened I lost focus and neglected my equities trading and I’m now paying a hefty price i.e. I have missed MANY MANY ‘priceless’ moves on the indices in the past couple of weeks because I was ‘taken in’ (like everybody else) by the highly leveraged accounts and the EXTREME volatility that forex pairs exhibit. This all ‘smacks’ of ‘get rich quick’ which as we all know is only a recipe for disaster.

Please don’t think I’m ‘knocking’ anyone who is trading forex pairs i.e. I’m sure that there are people out there that can actually ‘handle’ trading forex pairs and make a very good living out of trading them (if I’m not mistaken Warren Buffet started out as a forex trader and so did a lot of other ‘famous’ and ‘accomlished’ ‘players’ in the business world) but I just don’t seem to be able to ‘get a handle’ on trading forex pairs for some or the other reason.

One other thing that has ‘struck’ me in recent weeks as well is that every single trading book that I have purchased ‘relegates’ forex trading to a section that ‘gives you something to trade if the equities markets are dead’. In other words it seems that (at least to these authors: Bill Williams, J. Welles Wilder, John F. Carter, etc. etc. etc.) that forex pairs are the ‘poor cousin’ to equities. Maybe I’m just reading the wrong books I don’t know.

Another thing (I’m ‘on a roll here’): we are not having ‘record foreclosures’ and people losing their homes ‘left right and center’ over here (although I’m fast becoming a ‘prime’ candidate at the moment - if you’ll excuse the pun - actually - that’s quite a good one - ‘subprime candidate’) and our JSE closes at record levels just about every day and yet our currency is worth ‘sh*t’ in the bigger picture of things. There something ‘inherently’ wrong with this ‘picture’.

Hi Dale

I get what you mean. On the other hand, I’m not under that kind of pressure, I’m just looking to increase funds I got access to in the long term. That’s why I find pure PSAR ‘system’ VERY suitable to me. My only hope is that I will have that beer in Oz next year with you guys.



Well - if that’s the case - then you can’t go wrong with Parabolic SAR.

Put it this way (I’ve posted about this before): on at least one or two occasions over the past year or two the Dow has moved over 2000 points in a couple of weeks / months and if you’d been trading ‘pure’ Parabolic SAR (well not ‘pure’ - maybe just coupled with the 50 EMA and 200 EMA to give you a ‘heads up’ on when to NOT stop and reverse) on the daily timeframe and 200:1 leverage you would have turned that $500 into thousands of USD at the end of these trends (I did work out the figures somewhere on the thread previously but I know it was some ‘ridiculous’ rate of return) and if you had invested $5000 or $50000 back then on only ONE of those occasions you would not have to work for a very very long time (with $50000 invested I can assure you that I would NEVER have to work again i.e. thanks to ‘forex bullsh*t’ I can multiply that $50000 plus profits by a factor of seven - and that’s a whole lot of ZAR)!!!

You just gave me an idea (see - I told you it would not take long):

We should ‘set a date’ and a ‘pick a place’ to get together next year i.e. set a sort of ‘goal’ to work toward. (I get to pick the music and the bands we go and see though)!!!


well i think as i told u before both things forex and equity leads to the same thing which is money making (if u r clever!!) so me personal i don’t care i just want to make money pay the bills be my own boss and wear my BOSS JEANS!! Driving an X5 AS WELL!!

I am going to give it a try and will see what things goes


Hey, check out my previous post 'buddy ‘ol pal’ and tell me what you think of my ‘latest’ idea???


I am trying to log in through GCI and i have a password and username from them but i don’t know what to type on the account type i typed CFD but nothing is happenening it says wrong account type so do u know what shall i do??


I know it works and there is nothing wrong with the PSAR i am sure about that but as u said it need a very very long time to trade with this system which we all can’t do coz we need these money to pay our bills!!!

By having a new Idea then i can tell u that he DALIZM SYNDROME is back again!!!

BY the way never heard back about the elephent is he still ok???!!


How the ‘fu*k’ should I know which account you’ve opened???

When you opened the account what type of account did you open??? Whatever it was then that’s the one that you select.

I wasn’t talking about this:

I know it works and there is nothing wrong with the PSAR i am sure about that but as u said it need a very very long time to trade with this system which we all can’t do coz we need these money to pay our bills!!!

I was talking about THIS:

We should ‘set a date’ and a ‘pick a place’ to get together next year i.e. set a sort of ‘goal’ to work toward. (I get to pick the music and the bands we go and see though)!!!

Don’t you READ my posts anymore???

ok Dale,

I managed to open it now thankx for your help
