Parabolic SAR - that's all!

to meet next year

well why not it can be like a target but where can we do that???


You edited that message before I could ‘jump’ on you for saying next week!!!

OK - well you’ve got it right now i.e. NEXT YEAR!!!

I don’t know where - it was just a another ‘thought’ that I had!!!

Maybe if this is a viable idea we should put it to the vote!!!

The software is not that hard it is managable i think so far and they have lots of stuff to be traded which is good i never expected that at all!!

U have like Nokia,ford Macdonalds lots of stuff so u normaly trade these thing or just the DOW and NASDAQU???


Hey hey listen u can come any time u want even if it is tom!!

My only problem is that i am just thinking to go to canada like after 10 days!!! ( i am crazy right??!!) well even my wife don’t know that i am thinking of coming to her.

Well yes Vote.But i would say the states how about that??Vegas??? why not???!!


I only trade the indices - never tried CFD’s.

Just be careful though - you need absolute LOADS of capital to trade some of those shares (Google comes to mind).

Have a look at their spec sheet on their website and it will give the cost of a single lot of a specific CFD.

The reason I stick with the indices and not a single company is for that very reason i.e. if you’re trading shares in a single company everything you make or lose is based on the price movement of just that company but if you’re trading the indices they can be made up of many different companies (the DAX 30 is made up of the top 30 ‘blue chip’ companies in Germany like BMW, Thyssenkrupp, Siemens AG, etc. etc. etc.) so that the price movement on no one single company can ‘screw’ you too much.

By the way - be careful of the DAX 30 Futures at GCI i.e. no instant order execution (don’t let the demo fool you) and if you try and ‘scalp’ the DAX 30 you WILL DIE!!! Same applies to everything except the Dow, Nasdaq 100, and S&P 500. All the other instruments go via the dealing desk and depending on how busy they are (and believe me they can be very busy) you can wait minutes for an order to be executed and by then the price could have changed substantially and it’s too late for you to cancel your order because the order may get ‘locked’ and it will get executed (although you will receive a requote first). Like I said - DON’T BE FOOLED BY THE DEMO - ALL orders on the demo get executed instantaneously so you’re ‘lulled’ into a very ‘false sense of security’ i.e. ‘if the price goes against me I’ll quickly get out’. That’s not going to happen. Put it this way: if you don’t try and ‘fuk’ with GCI they won’t 'fuk’ with you (they prefer long term traders for a variety of reasons - read between the lines)!!!

Well u have to know something i am very new into all these stuff.

But it is showing profit now every thing i opened based on 8-21 EMAS:)

Ok so indices means like NIKKI-NASDAQ-DAW…ECT

where do i find a pieace of information that says what u r saying like the DOW or whatever if u know what i mean


i opened like 4 postions and 2 of them are showing loss and they r not moving why is that do they have like a time line? like they close or open at certain times?


The Dow, Nasdaq 100, and S&P 500 are the futures contracts (not the ‘MAIN’ index) so these are traded 24 hours a day (there are breaks though).

The Nikkei, Hang Seng, MSCI Taiwan etc. etc. etc. are Asian indices and are traded at the relevant times.

Before you go any further you HAVE to go and look at (print out) their contract specification sheet. It has the trading times for each instrument, the pip (or point) values, spread, interest, etc. etc. etc. You MUST do this before you go any further otherwise you’ll be asking me a question every two minutes!!!

Also: here is a link to a site that very nicely gives you the opening and closing times of the different exchanges etc. etc. etc.:

Market Clocks

It also gives you information about each exchange and stuff like public holidays i.e. when that exchange is closed and you cannot trade.

no don’t worry no more questions. u just showed me the way and i will do the rest.hope that this will work out it is slow but so far no unexpected moves like forex!!!

I do have 360 profit so far!!! the other that show los coz i opened them while the market is closed for them.Now i begin to understand why u were saying no more FOREX!!


GCI’s leverage is high so be careful.

Put it this way:

If you want to ‘make a killing or become roadkill’ then just try and trade Silver or the DAX 30 at GCI!!!

Silver is $10 per cent in price move!!! Just make sure you’re on the right side of the trade because if you’re not you’d be surpised at how fast a $10 loss turns to a $1000 loss!!! Same with the DAX!!!

I would REALLY strongly recommend trading ONLY the Dow in the beginning (and maybe the Nasdaq 100 and S&P 500 as well) - stay away from Gold, Silver, DAX 30 and Crude Oil at GCI until you’re happy with what you’re doing (ESPECIALLY if your trading live). Trust me on this one - I’ve HAVE learned the hard way here. This is one of the MAIN reasons why I do not believe in demo accounts i.e. demo and live IS NOT the same thing and I truly and honestly believe that the only thing a demo account is good for is to allow you to familiarise yourself with the trading platform - nothing more - nothing less. There are far too many ‘real’ factors that come into play when trading live and none of these can be, or are, ‘simulated’ on a demo.

ooh my god!!

thanks for the help yes i will stick to what u r saying as i am still a beginer.i know what u wanted to say i know demo is not like live account i am sure about and if it is the same then psychologicaly it is not coz u r putting money

same happened to me this morning i was openning a postion with the GBP/USD my rule was met every thing was perfect just the market went down for alot (40 pips) then i close the postion although the 8-21 wasn’t corssed at all the moment i did so the market went 30 pips or more in profit!!!


Ok, there’s a lot going on here. Sorry I’ve been absent guys. Extremely busy at work but I still look in here to read the thread. I absolutely have to keep up with your shenanigans Dale:D:p
Good to know you’re not abandoning us.

Hello there

good to hear from u!! so where can we meet???


OK - well here’s my list (in order):

UK (for the ‘Download Festival’ and this is NOT negotiable and is in June next year)
Finland (also not negotiable and it’s NOT for the reasons you all think i.e. she’s not even there for at least half the year)
Bulgaria (to visit my beloved Delta)
Russia (always had a ‘thing’ for the place although I’ve never been there)
Hong Kong (just need to go there don’t know why)
Australia (because it’s like home I believe)
South Africa (Home)

These are ‘definites’ but the list may get longer (or shorter) (equities trading willing)!!!

By the way Akram 'buddy ‘ol pal’,

If you want to make it interesting for yourself then put Bloomberg TV while you’re trading.

It’s interesting to watch how the Dow, S&P, and the Nasdaq ‘react’ as company financial results are announced e.g. a lot of ‘tech’ companies (you know like Texas Instruments who make computer chips) are announcing results as I type this and the Nasdaq is a ‘tech heavy’ index (companies like Microsoft, Google, Texas Instruments, Apple Computer, AT&T etc. etc. etc. make up a very large percentage of the Nasdaq so their results affect the way that the Nasdaq ‘moves’).

This is what makes this more interesting than forex (in my opinion anyway). For example you can search on the Internet and find out what companies form part of what index and then ‘drill down’ and find out more information about those companies. It’s a hell of a lot more interesting than playing the ‘forex guessing game’!!!

Just another bit of ‘useless’ information:

Another ‘heads up’ that you get is is the US Treasury Bond (2 year, 5 year, and 10 year) yields start climbing then you know that stocks are going to sell off and if they start dropping then you that stocks are going to climb.

See - another ‘heads up’ that you WON’T get on forex!!!

i will have to do so when i am complet doing this for living (very very soon)

Now the good thing is that today my target was hit but i locked on profit for my target and now i just looking and listening to music while the EUR AND GBP IS DANCING UP!!! GUYS LET US DANCE!!!


TODAY the market was trending in an opossite direction (not like yesterday)while i was taking the lead with the magnificnet 8-21 EMAS


What ARE you talking about???

What music are you listening to BY THE WAY???

If you want to be a serious equities and commodities trader you SHOULD be watching and listening to US Treasury Secretary Paulson ‘dumping’ on the Chinese right now AND listening to Nightwish or Lacuna Coil!!!

What’s the time there by the way???

Arabic music my i am at work how the hell can i listen to the US secretary and any ways what this guy said was something great coz i have a serious money in profit here!!!

it is 2:50 same like South africa remmember we r on the same line my freind!!


Oh - that’s interesting - I didn’t know that - that’s great!!!

No wonder you and I are the only ones around at 00h00!!!