Parabolic SAR - that's all!

yeah i hope that u r not openning any postions with the Nasdaq as it is going crazy today



How r u my firend

that is a bad day right??


I don’t wanna talk about it!!!

if u were short with DOW and Nasdaq u must be so rish now!!


I am here

I just don’t stay up so late. I’d have to be up in the wee hours of the morning to chat with you all on this thing.

Patiently waiting to hear from OANDA. As soon as they accept me, I can feed them some money and have a go at this. So It’ll probably be next week before I get to it.

While I’ve been waiting, I’ve been demoing the 50EMA on the daily and Maruizio’s ‘EMA Step System’ and have had some success with that one on the 30min. Just trying to get a good routine and system down to start making me some real bucks.

Now for some breakfast…


Me - I’m going to my ‘after hours’ bottle store the moment I finish typing this message.

Sorry it took me so long to reply - I’m still ‘shell shocked’!!!

There is only one thing I have to say right now:


oohh my god

Well hmm i am speachless now!!! hmmm any ways take it easy throw this day behind your back my friend. tommorow is full of opportunities i am sure of that


That’s what I love about you Akram ‘my China’ - always always seeing the positive side!!!

well i have to be postive other wise we will stop doing what we r doing my friend

By the way today i went crazy in forex after my target had been hit and i traded in a folish way like with feeligs!! i lost alot!!



it is easy softwarei my self knew how to trade with means that u will deffenitly know !!!


go to this web site to find out about the stocks and good info i am doing well now just a bit much at first you know. talk to you soon, why did you go crazy with good profits? we are all crazy doing this i know.:smiley:

thanks joanne,

i will check the website hope it has every thing we need!!.Well being crazy on trade it is something that u have it inside u , me and every one like well i wanna get a quick bucks now just alot of them in no time which ends up by the end of the day with a huge loss coz u r over trade and u r putting too much presure on your self.

So take it easy (Akram)!!!




My china r u ok???


great u figure it out joanne. i didn’t check the software yet as i was concetrating on forex and the indicies and i can see that the indices where good for today i will do it latter one

will let u know how things going


Forexology, if you’re still reading this thread send me a PM. Something in one of your threads intrigues me. I’m unable to send you a PM. Please PM me.

By the way, I’m new to this Forex thing as you may be able to tell as this is my first post.


Bah, I could be trading real money now if it weren’t for the small things. They didn’t receive some confirmation from me when I sent it the first time, so I had to send it again.

I have to say though, OANDA responded and helped me very quickly. Thumbs up to them. So I can probably say that by next week, I will be trading for real. Wish it was this week, but didn’t anticipate all the formalities taking so long.

Opened a position based on 50EMA on Tuesday and it is doing pretty good. Slow to start and a slow gain, but doing well all together. When looking at the chart and seeing this thing in action, you can really see how 50EMA keeps you in a position for a long time. You can kinda set up a position on the back burner and if you’re extra sure about this position, you can throw in some extra spice and let it slow roast while you do some other trades in the meantime. It will continuously cook as long as you keep it at a good temp and that 50EMA will make sure you won’t take it off the burner too soon. Then when it reaches that point whether it crosses back over that line or reaches your profit target, you can serve up some tasty pip stew! I think the 50EMA could be the Crock Pot of the indicators.

Well thats my analogy for the day.

Evening all

So I thought I’d give something a try. I decided to use two systems on one pair. The first is the 50EMA and just that. The second is actually the “So Easy It’s Ridiculous” system thats in the school on this site. If you didn’t actually look at it (or go through the school, which is a mistake cause theres good info there), it is basically the 10 and 5 EMAs, slow stochs @ 10,3,3 and RSI. You enter when the 5EMA crosses above/below the 10, slow stochs heading up/down and not in oversold/bought and RSI >/< 50. You ride it till the actions reverse or if RSI crosses back to 50. A system similar to others and I think we had one going on in here like it before. So I have all this set up with the 50EMA on the chart as well.

Anyway, I took a long position Tuesday in NZD/USD based solely on 50EMA and letting that ride. Yesterday I had a cross of 5EMA above the 10 and waited for today for confirmation. RSI >50, Stochs rising and not in overbought, so I took that position. Now I have two positions open on this pair. I’m going to watch the second position as it will react quicker and when it reverses, I’ll close that position gaining me some profit. Then the 50EMA will continue to do its thing and I will take profits when a candle breaks the 50. Make sense?

Worth doing, or wasting time? What do you think? I think its cool cause then you’re gaining some more profits off the same trend you got in on with the 50. Dumb? Maybe? No? We shall see.

its sound interesting enough, i may try it also and let you know my results.:stuck_out_tongue:

Hi again

Hey Joanne! Doing well? Gettin’ into this crazy forex stuff?

Alright Dale, your favorite time. I’m posting a chart! OH YEA! Time for my wonderful technical analysis and amazing skill! I just hope you can read all the txt as this site shrinks up the images quite a bit.

Anyway, trying to explain what I’m doing visually while showing the possible multiple trade points you can take on one pair using a couple indicators. Hope it makes sense. Worth a shot to demo for awhile and see what comes out of it.

edit: hm… can’t really see that image. let me get something bigger up there.
edit: okay, lets try the whole word doc thing

Well that was quick Joanne! We scared you away already? :eek: I know Dale smells pretty funny, but you get used to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Come on back soon! Good luck with everything!

Take care