Parabolic SAR - that's all!

Good Morning Joanne,

I am so sorry for that.I didn’t hear about them being killed.but it is a really sad thing to start your morning with hope that these soldiers come back to their land rather than being killed:(

Beileve me i will never be happy when i hear that some one had been shot whatever what is his nationality.

Yes Joanne i am still alive and i will really try to confince u to start trying trading the indicies coz really it is something diferent than the crazy forex we r trying to make some money from!!! where have u been?? u never show up yesterday

Hey Dale (My china) what is up man?? did u jump on the NIKKEI???


Hey Joanne (check your email).

Don’t worry - Akram’s still alive and well (didn’t you read through all the ‘banter’ between him and I yesterday)!!! He sent me some Arabic music via email which I really appreciated - it was good.

Anyway - I’m sure he’ll ‘surface’ soon.

By the way dr_zeus - I see my ‘babies’ ‘are off’ again this morning!!!


Thanks for going to the trouble of drawing that chart. I’m still not sure that I ‘get it’ though. The first question that come to mind is why would you want to do that anyway i.e. on that particular chart if you were just following Parabolic SAR you’d have made a fortune without paying the spread each time you opened a position i.e. you would only have paid the spread or commission once at the beginning of the trade. Like I said - I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying. Maybe you could just add the entry (order) points on the chart so that I can see.

Akram, ‘my mate’, good morning (see Joanne - I told you he’d surface shortly)!!!

No I didn’t ‘jump of the Nikkei’ last night - EVEN I need SOME sleep (man - I was ‘bushed’ last night).

I see the Nikkei got a bit of a ‘spanking’ last night (not too bad though).

The Hang Seng on the other hand is L-O-N-G overdue for a good ‘thrashing’ I can tell you - I hope I’m awake and lucid when it happens (there was talk a week or two ago of at least a 5000 point correction but who the hell knows).

If you’re going to follow this stuff (and you can get yourself out of bed at that time of the morning) you should have a look at the MSCI Taiwan. That’s a ‘beautiful’ index i.e. it moves in such a ‘stately’ fashion and the payout is awesome (similar to the DAX 30 but without the ‘violence’). No instant order execution though i.e. not to be ‘scalped’ and remember that it’s only open for a short time.

:smiley: i hope your trades are doing well.

Sorry Dale,

i was bit busy as i was concentrating on forex little bit and ok i am done with the day my target had been hit so i am out of the market. i will just focus on the indicies right now i do have 200 USD from Nikkei i will close it now coz i think the market is closed as the price is not moving from long time ago!!!

I will jump on any other opportunities that may come!!!



we r firend here so that means u have the right to say whatever u want to say so i am not upset at all i was just joking with u babe!!

Well Joanne i think u r missing alot here u have to go back 30 pages and start on reading!!! well me and Dale we r trading the indicies as well i do that in Demo and Dale is doing it for real. this is my secound day to trade with these strange stuff so i think it will be better that u jump and join us on that what do u think???


Ohh Joanne

by the way My china means My freind this is a slang south african word as far as i understand!!

so u didn’t tell me where have u been??? no posts yesterday why is that?? vacation u r saying where r u now?


No Joanne,

doesn’t need any lessons interms of strategy and trading as they r the same for me so far.

the thing that u would have to do is that to undertsnad what is NIKKEI? what is Dow…etc AND when they open and when they close what is the lavaergae for each and i think that is it . is that right my CHINA???

GCI demo account check them out download and get the password and go online that is it then take 1 h to check the software how it works apply our strategy and that is all. thanks for asking about my family they r Montreal i am in Cairo right now!!


ok guys ,

i will go to my office right now so i will not be able to reply back for 1 h yes dale i know it is 10 in the morning i normally go at 12!!!


Well I don’t know so much about the ‘brain’ but certainly the ‘brawn’!!!

I’m pleased to see the word ‘concentrating’ ‘featuring’ in your message ‘buddy ol’ pal’!!! I was getting a bit worried there for a minute yesterday!!!

Joanne, open a demo account at GCI Trading and you can have a look at what we are talking about (open a ‘Mini CFD’ account).

You trade this stuff exactly the same way as forex pairs but as I’ve gone to great lengths to detail previously they do not ‘misbehave’ like forex pairs i.e. they are more ‘refined’ AND REGULATED by the relevant stock exchanges as opposed to the forex market which is largely unregulated (why do you think the EU Finance Ministers have meeting after meeting after meeting to discuss how 'pised off’ they are with the volatility of the currencies in their countries etc. etc. etc.). In my (humble) opinion the forex market is HIGHLY speculative (more so than stocks) and is far more likely to be ‘manipulated’ than stocks. I mean you have to ask yourself (well I have had to ask myself anyway): ‘How come I make money when I trade stocks (indices) and how come I lose money when I trade forex pairs. I’m using EXACTLY the same ‘logic’ and ‘system’ so if both markets are ‘equal’ then I should either be making a loss on both or a profit on both - not so’? ‘Pure logic’ (to me anyway)!!! Maybe I just don’t have ‘what it takes’ to trade forex pairs i.e. there is just too much ‘going on’ for me to be able to handle it. For example: when trading forex you have to worry about what’s going to happen in this country and then in that country and what effect that will have on the currency of a third country blah . . . blah . . . blah . . . but with stocks (indices) it’s a lot simpler. If the US drops interest rates - stocks go up - no exception to this rule. If the US raises interest rates - stocks go down. Simple!!! How many times (even in the last week or two) have we all sat waiting with ‘baited breath’ for an interest rate announcement and when it’s come - nothing happens - ‘nada’ - not even a slight move in price (it’s like 'fucking with a condom) - a big ‘anti-climax’!!!

Then there’s things like commodites (like Coffee, Orange Juice, Soybeans) that don’t give a ‘flying fck’ about interest rates or who the French Prime Minister is ‘screwing’ at the moment or anything else like that i.e. pure ‘supply and demand’. Simple!!! Bad weather in the US - flooding - lower than expected Soybean crop - demand exceeeds supply - price goes up. No 'bullsht’. You don’t have to worry that some Saudi Prince has returned home from a long holiday with a spare ‘gazillion or two’ Euros in his suitcase that he no longer needs so he decides to exchange them for Norwegian Krone (because that’s where he is going on his next holiday) and your one little position on EUR/USD wipes out your account and you have no idea why!!!

Well - that’s my ‘less than eloquent take’ on the difference between trading forex pairs and stocks and commodities!!! I’m sure someone like ‘rhodytrader’ will have an absolute ‘field day’ with it (sorry John - it’s just what I’ve come to ‘witness’ in the past couple of months)!!!

Hey dr_zeus,

Sorry didn’t reply earlier, I just opened my PC.
I have opened these 5 pairs:
EUR/AUD long, AUD/USD short, AUD/JPY short, CHF/JPY short, CAD/JPY short, and as I said the day before yesturday they were showing 1500USD profit, but at the moment is only 29,14usd, well better than nothing ha:rolleyes:, lets see how it develops!



i like to sleep while i do have a vaction!!! or playing ps3 killing all the basterds!!! shopping lots of stuff!!

so u wanna be in berlin next year me i am planing to go to the states Dale want to go to Finland to meet his beloved Tarja.i don’t think by these planes we can meet guys!!



i think i have to know more about the indices like i need to know wat is the NASDAQ what is DOW …etc do u know any website that will teach us such a thing??


Ever heard of ‘Google’???

Here’s the link:

Google??? yes they r tradable on my software shall i go long or short!!!LOOL

Man i thought u do have a website that u know any ways i will google it my self thanks for your help (China)



Hi all

What do you think guys of this setup: scaning all pairs with PSAR on a daily TF, enter trade ONLY when Alligator gets hungry AND MACD is on the right side, specially when MACD crosses 0. Fast MACD has to be above slow one for going long, and below it for going short. You don’t necessarily enter at first PSAR dot, it may take a while till you enter. You don’t catch every pip on such trades, but you never lose any money. And, unfortunately for Dale, you are not always on the market. On the other hand, you can trade with most of your money, you don’t have to keep a lot of it to backup your bad trades. I’ve backtested this setup on couple of pairs for the year so far, and you get some 6 to 8 trades this year per pair. On the other hand, backtesting some 20 pairs since august gave great results.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.



Hey guys,

where r u??? why everyone went on silent??is every thing ok with u guys.


Nah - we (I’m) still here - waiting PATIENTLY for the US Indices to make up their minds as to where it is the ‘fu*k’ they’re going this morning (today)!!!

Hey Slipper:

Nothing wrong with that strategy at all (like you said - not sure I’d be able to handle it - but it looks like / sounds like pretty ‘failsafe’ - you can’t beat the daily charts - no question).