Payment Zulu Trade as Signal Provider. Too Late!

Dear Fellow Forex Traders,

If you are still not familiar with ZuluTrade:

[B]Zulutrade is a social trading forex platform. The trader is called the “Signal Provider”. Meanwhile, the copytrader is called followers. Simply to say, the followers will copy the trading movement of the signal provider.[/B]

Perhaps this topic could provide some information for those who wants to be the [B]signal provider[/B] at Zulu Trade (ZT) :

[B]1.[/B] I have been a signal provider of ZT for the last one year. I have been building a good reputation by having 100 followers and thousands of amount following. However, when I am requesting the payment, I got problem.

[B]2.[/B] After reading the terms and conditions of ZT, I see that the payment will be processed approximately in 60 days.

[B]3. [/B] After waiting for two months, I asked the customer service about my payment and I was disappointed with the answers because he mentioned that they dont have any deadline for the payment.

[B]4.[/B] Actually, I want to post pictures of my conversation with the customer service. However, as a new member, i cant post pictures here.

I have been happy with ZT. I have been building a good reputation and a good numbers of revenues. Even now, I have accumulated good revenues for the last two months. But, if they cant be sure on the payment, should i continue?

[B]Any advice from the fellow traders here?[/B]


I had a glitch on my phone, sooo, is this guy kidding

The Never kidding VIPER

Bite me, Viper.

I Need The Money

So you are stealth vending.

The Ever Cynical VIPER

The Money Is Stealth Vending.

Let me have your venom for money.

Dear Person.

The fact that you have a complaint about Zulu is not the issue, well it kind sorta is, but I digress. The fact that you included your Zulu name, claiming massive returns on a Sim account is. It looks like you are Stealth Vending, fishing for Zulu clients.

Now had you said " I have been successful trading on the Zulu platform, and they will not pay me, what do you think I should do?" then the answer would have been, get in touch with the authorities, and see what they say. At this point you become a victim, and as such worthy of help. But as it is, you look like a freeloader.

The Never Freeloading VIPER

Dear Viper,

Well, I would like to say that this is not my current Zulu name. I have not included any link or whatsoever to fish for Zulu clients here. You are not entirely wrong as I once had this name for my Zulu name. However, the account is inactive. Nothing that I can load there. You can check it by yourself.

I have came to the authority to have what they say about this matter and got disappointed by it. To tell you the truth, that is why I come here. I might not come begging the other user’s advice if anything goes smoothly. I believe that Babypips is the best Forex forum in the world, I could receive some of others experience here.

Therefore, to mention about me being freeloader is quite an exaggeration. *Why do I have to fish for more clients if I could not enjoy the fish in my ponds?

Ignore of myself being a successful trader at Zulu. I need the money to live.

I know that a viper likes to do the attack alone. As for now, I am asking you to bring your empire to assist me on this matter.

The Never Freeloading PERSON.

Hi Snake,

Have you already believed me ?

Help or bite me, Please?



I have received the funds. Thank You for all the prayers, especially to the mouthful Viper…

The Ever Happily After HUMAN

So the moral of the story is???

The Ever Moralistic VIPER

Thank you for expressing your opinion FiveFootTraders.

Please accept our apology for this most delayed response. We are usually very diligent about responding to our client’s queries, but this one we admit got past us!

Regarding your situation at the time, it has obviously since been resolved and you have been paid your commissions accordingly. Please note that as defined in the Traders Guide, payments are usually processed within 60 days, provided that the Trader complied and performed within the defined guidelines.

We have been working hard to improve our services, and so any such delays regarding payments should pretty much be a thing of the past.

We welcome you to contact us should you ever need further assistance.

Best regards.
The ZuluTrade Quality Assurance Team