Peace, Greetings everyone

Hello to all, my name is Rachaud and I’m new here from Maryland. I’m completely new to forex, and I’m looking forward to meeting like minded people so that I can become a successful trader. At this stage in my life Have no regrets about where I’ve come from, and can truly appreciate everything that has brought me here. I share this because it’s easy to say “I wish I would’ve known about forex when I was in my 20’s”, but it’s obvious I wasn’t in the right head-space to learn it back then; but I am now. Anything that’s gonna get me closer to my goal of becoming a successful trader is why I’m here. Again Look forward to meeting everyone, and learning more about forex trading.

Peace and blessings to all

Welcome aboard this great education site. And best of luck on your learning journey.

Welcome to the community, Rachaud. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome to the community! I’m sure you will enjoy and learn so much from all the free resources here. Good luck!