People are scared of SJWs - Good People forced to lie ! about BIG things!

Another isssue - stemming from “Cultural Sensitivities” - Just 10,000 Slaves in an English Town - which were well known to the “Authorities” and ignored - alongside the 1,000,000 white English girls gang-raped, trafficked and racially abused (where is the “Feminista” ?) (Some of whom are from the SAME Town ! )

And now that town is under lockdown again - and people dying - directly correlated to the Slavery !


ffs - It HAS to be TIME - To SHOUT About it surely ?

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Brave Swedish Girl ! - gets put away !

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Still the cover up continues - WHERE are the feminists ???

Another look at what the pressure we have been exerting has eventually produced

**But why haven’t the feminists even mentioned This 1 million of their “sisters” - ?

No money in it maybe ?

Not surprising but dispicable!

Remember this whenever you see quote from The Guardian ! - Completely unbiased !


Speaking as a white Man I find this Deeply Offensive Sexist, Racist and HATE FULL ! - What do You think ?

And the Shame and Stupidity continue !

.It Gets Worse Rochdale & Rotherham 🤦‍♂️ SEND THEM BACK PRITI 😡 Appalling 😳 ‘Human Rights’ SHAME - YouTube

Where are the Feminists ??? !

This Post belongs in this thread - Take Note America (and Canada) :wink:

Naturally our “protectors” don’t want us to be able to share this !

Those of you who don’t know English - English slang - watch to find out what a

“Nonce” is !

quote from head of multiple police stations


Quickest way is to search Lotus Eaters on the U-Tub

Great post

ANd still it goes on - Police still useless !

Patrick Christys: Why is it that police forces just don’t care about grooming gangs? - YouTube index=2

Censored again = pretty sure its down to bbp - Here you go ! [ And this one is mainstream News Regulated by OFCOM :roll_eyes:

"Patrick Christys: Why is it that police forces just don’t care about grooming gangs? - YouTube

la ilaha illallah

most people fail to recognize the collective intelligence of islam.

most people fail to recognize the unity that is the core of islam.

muslims are commanded to conquer all that is in this world.

muslims are commanded to either convert you or to enslave you or to kill you.

most people fail to recognize the patience that is islam.

most people fail to recognize that they have already been conquered and that now muslims are only toying with you, similar to how a cat might play with a mouse.


"The Biggest Threat to National Security - YouTube

What sort of town is it - that allows it’s children to be gang-raped by foregners on an Industrlal Scale ?




Adult male Pakistani population of Rotherham estimated at 3000 !


"Rotherham: Children’s Capital of Culture - YouTube