Pepperoni and pineapple please

Since I am looking for about 50 pips a week, I like your idea of 10 pips TP for every trade (usually). I have been doing this for a week and half now so far so good. It teaches me how to be discipline and not being greedy because I always have the tendency to hold on to it but then I would say “I should of or should have” get out when I have certain amount of pips then at the end losing all of it or worse going in the red…

To those who are just starting out in learning how to trade, it is best to aim lower and pay attention more to be a consistent winner no matter how big or small it is. Consistency is the most important part (I think) in this journey even if it is 10 pips per trade/day or so. Sure, there will be times that you can get a whole lot of pips than that but since the market is so complex and so unpredictable, just take what you need and get out and leave out the rest…Once you get the consistency down, you should be on your way to be profitable…

Winning consistently is the most difficult part…Losing consistently is the easiest and everyone can do just that….

Keep it up Pizza!..Okay I’m done…:slight_smile:

[QUOTE=“PipNRoll;490328”]Since I am looking for about 50 pips a week, I like your idea of 10 pips TP for every trade (usually). I have been

Yup, because I am taking your money … So, no pressure …:wink: lol


Yup, because I am taking your money … So, no pressure …:wink: lol[/QUOTE]

Haha fine… Well I’m long nzdusd right now so

Nah, I’ll wait till you closed then I take it…


Nah, I’ll wait till you closed then I take it…[/QUOTE]

Lol how are you going to take it if I don’t have the position open O_o …

Well, duh… when you close your trade that means you have realized lose. So, I’ll wait until then…I can’t take your money while you are in a trade. The trade has to be closed and the broker will then transfer the fund to my account… :wink:


Well, duh… when you close your trade that means you have realized lose. So, I’ll wait until then…I can’t take your money while you are in a trade. The trade has to be closed and the broker will then transfer the fund to my account… ;)[/QUOTE]

You have to have a position open though lol… Maybe you need to go back to babypips school to know how it works

Ha…I make my own rules… This is how I want to take your money. I would be glad to go back to BP school because I skip a lot of it… lol Maybe you go back and make pizzas…

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;490318”]Bought nzdusd… Details in screenshot.

Long nzdusd… Details in screenshot

If they decide to continue the asset purchases, were going to see something massive moves across the board.

You think they’ll stop, considering the cpi numbers being a bit weak?

Indeed… The “will they or wont they” has beengtt

If they don’t stop, I am throwing my cash behind cable and Kiwi. Not liking the Aussie or Fiber at the moment.

The market thinks they will, and job growth has been pretty good at late so has housing. Look at the S&P 500 index soar…
Basically, the U.S economy still sucks but its showing signs of recovery.


If they don’t stop, I am throwing my cash behind cable and Kiwi. Not liking the Aussie or Fiber at

Btw, I was accused of been Aaron today! Wow today is a sad day.

Here’s an interesting website that I found the other day. It shows how the market reacted to previous releases.

Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index (USD) - Historical Economic Data and Forex Charts

[QUOTE=“piptronix;490717”]You think they’ll stop, considering the cpi numbers being a bit