Pepperoni and pineapple please


[QUOTE=ILovePizzaMore;479651]This weeks reading of trading and how to take advantage of

Anyone check this out yet?

Here is a link to one of my favourite sites…


Yes I had a look at it last night, I read the first two articles and I just skimmed through the third. I’ll leave the rest for the weekend.
Thanks for the link to that, its very informative, especially the one about Japan/China.
I’ll admit that to really appreciate it I’ll need two monitors, one for the magazine and one for investopedia, lol

Perhaps its because I’m at work, but when I click on this link it takes me to a blank page.

[QUOTE=piptronix;479956]Perhaps its because I’m at work, but when I click on this link it takes

My gbpnzd short hit TP… $10 more.

Was that your only loss?
How many trades in total did you make?


Yes only trade closed for a loss… I do not have any

Main reason for this trade is that undeniably the BoJ is weakening the yen with its current

[QUOTE=ILovePizzaMore;480029]Long usdjpy at 98.continue doing what it a

Well done on the yen trade.
I read the report about this more than an hour ago, but didn’t see any movement in the price. It’s taking off now though.
This is one thing I’m finding confusing, is that the market doesn’t always respond immediately to all news releases.
It’s comforting because it means we have time to react, but I guess I’m too used to searching for clues in price action before I move. Did you jump in as soon as you read the news, or did you wait a while?

[QUOTE=“piptronix;480033”]Well done on the yen trade.

Cad CPI was a non-event… No more trades for me this week.

Around noon Washington time the G20 will

Goggle bears of sugar

TP hit… This my friends is why

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;480182”]Fitch cuts UK to AA+ from tripe A … Short GBPNZD at 1.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;480171”]Around noon


Word is the

Do you use one main news feed, and what is it?
I think this type of trading is hard for somebody doing it part time, unless there is an app available (I’ll look for one) that provides updates of global events that impact currency rates.

Do you have bloomberg tv going all day, or is it an internet radio service you use, or do you just stay on the internet?
The only move I was able to catch was a long on the usdjpy, about 2 hours after the initial report yesterday. I made 45 pips, but I was only comfortable taking that trade because reading that article from fxtrader magazine gave me some insight into the yen. In fact I only entered long after you had already taken profit.