Pepperoni and pineapple please

are you from california?


are you from california?[/QUOTE]

Nope… A

hmmm i’m not sure if i wanna visit anymore : /

Hahaha… Definitely not

yeah, it’s too hot here in the “frozen” north even. i would die in arizona, possibly literally

you married with kids or live alone in a trading dungeon of some sorts?


yeah, it’s too hot here in the “frozen” north even. i would die in arizona, possibly literally

you married with kids or live alone in a trading dungeon of some sorts?[/QUOTE]

Lol trading dungeon… Funny

alright I hear ya. Ok lemme guess your age while I’m at it… 31?

I feel like you’re older than me, but not by a great margin…


alright I hear ya. Ok lemme guess your age while I’m at it… 31?

I feel like you’re older than me, but not by a great margin…[/QUOTE]

Younger then 31…




Lol … Somewhere in between 25 and 31… 28 is a possibility

well I guess that’ll have to do. I secretly hope you’re older than 26… cause I don’t have a house and I’m 26 :frowning:


well I guess that’ll have to do. I secretly hope you’re older than 26… cause I don’t have a house and I’m 26 :([/QUOTE]

Well I was fortunate to live


well I guess that’ll have to do. I secretly hope you’re older than 26… cause I don’t have a house and I’m 26 :([/QUOTE]

What do you do for work?

yeah, i was thinking that could be the case. average house sale price is around $400,000 here in Edmonton… yikes!

but hey, what would it take to get you to spill the beans on the size of your main account. i don’t want to criticize or bemoan your success… I just want a goal. I have no bearings as to what success can actually be like. I know it’s personal but I’m really competitive… I want to know how others are doing too. All I got to work with is ICT and that guy “eremarkets” who ended up being a con anyway.

I really have no intention of trolling your thread anymore… you are simply unshakeable!

I work in a warehouse doin hard labour. Although you might be more familiar with the term “minimum wage drudge” haha. Not that I make min. wage but it makes me laugh anyway


I work in a warehouse doin hard labour. Although you might be more familiar with the term “minimum wage drudge” haha. Not that I make min. wage but it makes me laugh anyway[/QUOTE]

Is that how you got your original $20k balance?


I am a “non-box” type of thinker myself. I appreciate your thread.
I am a newbie, and find your thread educational and informational.
I look forward to watching your account double-up and double-up again.

Tras - maybe try a little strategy like Pizza’s - say with a tp 20 and maybe a stop say around 50 on a demo - set some orders at levels, say sell fibre at 3180 or buy at 3070 (picked those at random) just for the fun of it - set the orders on Sun opening.

Sorry Pizza for hijacking, remember guys/gals - outside the box :slight_smile:

Sorry Pizza for hijacking, remember guys/gals - outside the box :)[/QUOTE]

This is an open thread :slight_smile: anyone can post whatever they want.


Banker/ILPM doesn’t make money because of his big SL, he makes money because he analyzes the fundamental info and thus has an overall accurate picture of the probable money flows. Just setting an inverted R:R ratio won’t make you successful in itself[/QUOTE]

Couldn’t have set it better myself… That is indeed the reason i am able to get away with the r:r that I use.