Pepperoni and pineapple please

Well done , why not take a nice profit and run , and just move on to something else.

[QUOTE=“tonyro44;528818”]Well done , why not take a nice profit and run , and just move on

IlovepizzaMore that was beautifully done, now you will have less pressure for the rest of the week. Now your regular plan is easily executed .

You rock it man! :slight_smile:

Watch 1.3295 on eurusd and

Good week… 15ish% gain

You are by far the best trader on babypips.

Anyone wanting to learn from Pizza’s experiences, go back to late July, see how he reacted to a loss, he was wrong on eur/gbp, actually right if he had held out, but no tantrums, no kicking or self recrimination, took the loss and moved on, I would say maybe even with greater strides from that point.

I have often noted that I learn more from how I act (not react) after a loss - Pizza did not react, he continued on his path.

[QUOTE=“peterma;532067”]Anyone wanting to learn from Pizza’s experiences, go back to late July, see how he reacted to a loss, he was wrong on eur/gbp, actually right if he had held out, but no tantrums, no kicking or self recrimination, took the loss and moved on, I would say maybe even with greater strides from that point.

I have often noted that I learn more from how I act (not react) after a loss - Pizza did not react, he continued on his path.[/QUOTE]

Thanks peterma and Aaro… Errrr other guy :wink:


I just wanted to let you know that I fixed my personality problem and am doing well!

It cost more money than I would have ever dreamed, but the deed is done and happy days ahead :slight_smile:

Well I’m not sure what that entirely means… But it sounds very positive! Glad to hear it :slight_smile:

It means I was full of sh*t. Everyone knew it, I knew it, but now I’m saying it.

You helped though… I’ve always just wanted to see someone actually compound an account. So much talk… but nobody could ever deliver, not even ICT. But you did. It’s all I needed.


It means I was full of sh*t. Everyone knew it, I knew it, but now I’m saying it.

You helped though… I’ve always just wanted to see someone actually compound an account. So much talk… but nobody could ever deliver, not even ICT. But you did. It’s all I needed.[/QUOTE]

Bravo dude! Yes it can be done… But any method that you use to get there MUST involve

I actually did very well my first year of trading (2008) using my basic fundamental knowledge. I knew XXX/JPY pairs would be suffering from the “risk-off” environment and I made lots of money shorting those pairs. So I know firsthand that when fundamentals are driving the price, technicals certainly become an afterthought.


I actually did very well my first year of trading (2008) using my basic fundamental knowledge. I knew XXX/JPY pairs would be suffering from the “risk-off” environment and I made lots of money shorting those pairs. So I know firsthand that when fundamentals are driving the price, technicals certainly become an afterthought.[/QUOTE]

There you go! I vaguely remember seeing your

I knew trading would be hard for me because I am not a patient person. But through pain, I learned patience. It is how it is.
I’m actually on my 3rd broker now. I’m trading a $500 account. No joke. My Ego hates it but I know it is good for me right now. I’m going to compound this thing from the dust… I think that will give me my confidence back.

(true confidence, not to be confused with the delusional state I’ve been in the last few years :wink: )


I knew trading would be hard for me because I am not a patient person. But through pain, I learned patience. It is how it is.
I’m actually on my 3rd broker now. I’m trading a $500 account. No joke. My Ego hates it but I know it is good for me right now. I’m going to compound this thing from the dust… I think that will give me my confidence back.[/QUOTE]

Good… Yeh it’s harder since you were trading a five figure account at one point.

It literally took me 5 years to learn this. I mean really learn it. This is exactly why I am trading the $500 account. If I’m as good as I think I am (I actually think I’m a good trader hahaha) then it doesn’t matter where I start.

For the past few years, I thought that if I was good… I should start big to save time. Bad. Dumb. You get it…


It literally took me 5 years to learn this. I mean really learn it. This is exactly why I am trading the $500 account. If I’m as good as I think I am (I actually think I’m a good trader hahaha) then it doesn’t matter where I start.

For the past few years, I thought that if I was good… I should start big to save time. Bad. Dumb. You get it…[/QUOTE]

Keep a trade log… For every trade. Take the time to write out why you are making a trade BEFORE

Here’s another true story, and probably explains everything.

When I was 18, I took $9,000 that I saved up from working at McDonald’s during High School, and bought 600,000 shares of a Nasdaq OTCBB stock priced at ~$0.015. I sold it a few months later at ~$0.06

So when I was 18, I had $36,000 from trading.

Now I’m 26, and have about $20,000 in debt from trading losses. Now you know the sadness, the desperation, the absolutely abysmal state that my Ego is in. You get it now… maybe there is room for some compassion, despite my antics :slight_smile: