Pepperoni and pineapple please

yes good advice… the first thing I did for this new $500 account is revive my Trade journal. As you might have guessed, I kept very meticulous records of my trades… in 2008 haha

Now I’m 26, and have about $20,000 in debt from trading losses. Now you know the sadness, the desperation, the absolutely abysmal state that my Ego is in. You get it now… maybe there is room for some compassion, despite my antics :)[/QUOTE]

Lol you had my empathy even when you were being an ass… It sucks… Nothing much you can


Lots of people here think I’m an immature ass, and maybe that’s true. But I have a level of dedication that I think few could contend with. For instance… I haven’t called in sick for work since 2009. and it’s not that I was never sick… it’s cause I went in even when I was sick. I know pain and misery like nobody else.

But I am a naturally positive person. Despite the losses and failures… I can’t even imagine giving up on trading.



Lots of people here think I’m an immature ass, and maybe that’s true. But I have a level of dedication that I think few could contend with. For instance… I haven’t called in sick for work since 2009. and it’s not that I was never sick… it’s cause I went in even when I was sick. I know pain and misery like nobody else.

But I am a naturally positive person. Despite the losses and failures… I can’t even imagine giving up on trading.[/QUOTE]

I thought it mostly funny lol… No, giving up is not an option… Even if it takes another 5 years to break even its worth it.

well that’s good, it was definitely meant to be entertaining to anyone that could spot my obvious trolling.

thanks for listening to my confession pizzabankerguy… I’ll drop by whenever I double my account ($1000, $2000, $4000 etc.)


well that’s good, it was definitely meant to be entertaining to anyone that could spot my obvious trolling.

thanks for listening to my confession pizzabankerguy… I’ll drop by whenever I double my account ($1000, $2000, $4000 etc.)[/QUOTE]

No problem! Drop by anytime… Feel to posts trades and ideas if you want.

Hey Aaron,

Glad to hear from you and I am reading your post… You have my sympathy as well…
I understand that you are in debt right now but I don’t think it is wise to pay debt with another debt… How about cutting some expenses like cellphones, eating out, etc.? Maybe sell your car? Cut those cables that you don’t need and rarely watch? Just an idea…

I only asked Pizza because I suspect that $10,000 is not a lot of money to him. He clearly is a proficient trader after all. It sounds sketchy over the internet, but if you knew me in person, you would know how committed I was to paying back any and all loans. My problem is that nobody I know has extra money (but then again who does I guess). My parents said they would help… if they could :frowning:

I even asked ICT. I think the general consensus from wealthy people is that it is good for me to be poor. Fair enough I guess. My argument is that my debt is driving my desperation in trading, which is my only real chance of becoming wealthy myself. All I need is for 1 person to believe that I have a future, and help me escape from this hell I put myself into. I admit I did it, I just want a 2nd chance…

I understand that…

Let me ask you this. Are you still employed and makes money every month? Can you work part time somewhere to earn extra income?

Also, if you are earning income right now, is there any left over after paying your regular bills? The reason I asked is you could save 10k in a year to pay of debt when you have spare cash every month or cut some expenses temporarily to save… You can do this without asking anyone for loan and you will feel much better if you pay it from the money that you earn and save every month…just think about it…you can also sell some of your stuff like Xbox, DVDs, old furniture, etc…to earn some cash too…


That’s all great advice. But what you failed to consider is the satisfaction I derive from asking rich people for money.

It’s that uncomfortable akward taboo, that makes 'em squirm. It is the weakness of the rich, but they rely on our false sense of pride to prevent us from putting them in that uncomfortable position.

I just hate rich people, there I said it :)[/QUOTE]

Lol… There’s the Akeakami we all know and love.

and I love to entertain!


but seriously… about the $10,000…

Hmm… Well I don’t know Aaron I have lived born and raise in a 3 rd world country and I know how to live with nothing as a young age… There are rich people, rich country like US but I don’t hate them… I took those successful person as an inspiration and as a motivation to be where they are… You can find 10k of what you currently have if you atleast took my advice to you, it can help you to get out where you currently are…

Debt is a symptom that needs to be cure… If you had accumulate this debt and not learning how to clear it on your own, more than likely, you will be in debt again and maybe more. If you can resolved this on your own, you will practice responsibility and integrity and you will remember how you feel when are clearing this debt and you will never do it again… Taking on another debt to pay debt just solved the problem but not the symptom as to why you get into it on the first place…

You can clear this out using the money you currently earn, sell some of your stuff, and cutting your expenses temporarily…

I want you to say no, but I want you to say why. and don’t bullsh*t me…

[QUOTE=“SorryDude;532199”]I want you to say no, but I want you to say why. and don’t bullsh*t me…[/QUOTE]

Lol you want me to say no rather then yes?

AK… I hate you! There I say it…

I’m in debt because I thought that I NEEDED to trade a bigger account so that I wouldn’t “waste my time” trading. But now I am absolutely in love with the idea of turning a small account into a big account. I have no need to sink money into trading accounts because that just isn’t my perspective anymore.

Your advice makes sense for people that spent money on too many vacations or designer clothes, or going to restaurants. I didn’t. I live frugally already and have my whole life. The debt is ALL trading. I was trading to try and escape my own poverty, but it just sunk me deeper. I don’t feel guilty or ashamed that I wanted to escape poverty, but I am admitting that my strategy was lacking critical facts. (like if you trade amounts you can’t handle losing, you’re going to lose it all eventually!)

my god, I would be so ashamed of myself if you actually said yes and gave me the loan.

yeah, but you gotta admit… i never seek you out… you always come to me!

Oh because I am so looking forward to it… Really I do… Not

I still hate you…


my god, I would be so ashamed of myself if you actually said yes and gave me the loan.[/QUOTE]

Lol I was thinking about it…