Personal conclusions on trading with robots

Well I have been using forexmegatrionand so far so good, I think that you must modified your strategies, fo example, instead of using all the time the robot you may trade yourself, using forex signals, so you may increase your profits.

Let me tell you the truth about forex market that a lot of people already know about, and everyone suspects. The Forex Market is rigged it always has been. There have been quite a few times where the USD GDP comes out and its bad news and the USD currency goes extremely up against the other currency. This is just one example of many. In other words, the market isn�t a exact science. It can’t and will never be predicted because its manipulated by banks and bigger players with extreme amounts of wealth. That can sway the market in any direction they choose.

I think before you spend money buying a robot EA you need to learn forex. There is and never will be an ea or robot that can continuously make a profit, there is too many variables.

I have tried the free ones and even had some ideas on one of my own, but my favorite EA Robot is my right finger trade what you see.

My personal feeling about buying a robot or EA is this. You might as well put your car on cruse control and jump in the back seat with your girlfriend and you will to get screwed:D

I only use an ea to close trades and manage trailing stops.

Just like you said, it often doesn’t matter that the US has a bad economy with high-unemployment – it is the world’s reserve currency and until that changes, the US can get away with having a bad economy while their currency stays strong regardless, especially in uncertain economic times like we have now. This one fact makes it different to other currencies, and that can influence other currencies just as easily, as most pairs are tied to the USD in some shape or form.

The most dangerous time to have a robot running is around the release of US non-farm payroll data… at least 24 hours before and about 12 hours after into the following asian session. It’s during this period that market sentiment and the nature of the trend can change completely, and it’s extremely risky to trade anywhere near it.

Similarly, you have to mark this on your calendar and switch off your trading bots until the dust settles. If you have any trades hanging open near to it, you may want to close them manually. Trust me, i have paid for this rather expensive lesson, something to the tune of a couple hundred dollars or so. The newbies out there get this “heads-up” for free.

Always remember that until artifical intelligence in software catches up, NO BOT can anticipate what the fundamentals can influence… especially around news reports.
You want the robot to work based solely on predicatable technical indications, and it can’t do this with economic fundamental reports in the mix.

ForexMoney tells the truth :slight_smile:

Every EA that sells finally is used by too many people and mostly on few widely known brokers. Therefore, the profitability of such EA drops every month, because of hardened new position opening and closing.

I have similar situation with FapTUrbo which is ran on Alpari UK. After NFA rules came out, many clients registered at Alpari US trasnfered accounts to Alpari UK and now I frequently see requotes on EURCHF, which previously made me good profits, and not it makes only losers (because of reqoutes).

@Naynay, you can buy your wanted product through someone who offers a rebate, just search google for keywords - “product name” rebate. It’s an easy way to lower the costs of EA purchase. Besides, if you did not like product , you can just ask for a rebate. Clikcbank fastly returns your money. You just need to remember when the money back guarantee expires. Use a calendar and mark the purchase date :slight_smile:

I’m really NOT interested in purchasing any EA. I’ve been through the trenches in that department already.

Some of the BEST reviews of EAs actually come from the most unlikely sources. Simply speaking, it is from the hackers and software pirates that the only HONEST reviews of EAs ever appear!

Now, I don’t have to do anything illegal myself to read their comments and hear about their findings.
However, comments from someone who has taken the trouble to decompile and break the encryption on a commercial EA, figure out the logic of how the EA works, and then give an unbiased opinion on it, is quite valuable!
Their findings are somewhat remarkable.

When you have a bunch of EAs to play with, it would seem, you gain a fair bit of perspective on the whole industry. There are professional EAs out there which are amalgamations of other free EAs, or rip-offs of other commercial EAs… and you would never know unless a comment on the list pointed out that the dll file from one commerical EA was actually an exact replica of another commercial EA! … and this is just one example of the amount of fraud going on with these things.

Personally, I’m trying to get a working trading system EA made from an indicator package. If I get it working and it turns out to be incredibly profitable, THERE’S NO WAY I’d ever consider sharing it!

[B]This is logical isn’t it!! [/B] :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

If you do have something that really works well, then of course you would not share it - it is your work and only you want to reap the rewards.

Besides, sharing would invite competition!! :eek:

But to get an EA working as you say, you have to be a competant manual trader first (since you are the one developing it).
Then you have to learn to write programs (if you cannot already do this).

Finally even when this is done, your EA must be dynamic, able to adapt to the changes in the character of the market.
It must not be another black box.

…and this is the other thing.

Occasionally somebody anonymous will post on a forum “hey look at my EA!” and show pictures of their massive live trading account totals with equity graph, and the results are STAGGERING, or at least very close to something a “holy grail” would produce… and look a whole lot better than most commercial EAs out there.

…thing is, whoever posts these amazing totals is NOT sharing their EA, OR selling it!
These people MUST have developed their own system and EA, and are now profiting wildly from them (or they’re just taking us all for a ride!).

Either way, like you say… there is no shortcut to getting rich in this game. You have to be a competent manual trader FIRST. If you don’t want to work anymore, then you need to be a good programmer, or pay someone to program your own EA for you. If you can’t do either of these things, you will be spending a LOT of time toying with different EAs - which is equally time consuming and expensive - possibly a huge waste of time and money to boot.

I have a question (not sure if it is related with the topic. I�ve bought the MD and I wanted it for the following purpose:
Get U$S125 daily, from a $12500 account, trading manually using the �Upward/Downward impulse detected� and the �Fading� signals.
My question is:
Is this a probable scenario? In fact, I want to make $125 each time the impulse is detected, so after ~20 impulses (in a month) I get U$S2.4k, which in my country (Argentina) is enough to have a decent life.
And then, Which lot size/pips is adequated? (I mean, getting only 1pip with 12.5 lot or 12.5 pips with 1.0 lot?)

Thanks a lot!