Personal conclusions on trading with robots

Conclusions on EA trading.

I figured I had to post this to cover my experiences with Forex EAs over the past few months to warn absolute newbies as to what they are getting themselves into. Forgive me for being alarmist in nature, but the following things I feel, just have to be said:-

Let’s get this BIG one out the way first:-

  • Forex robot trading is NOT I REPEAT NOT a get-rich-quick scheme!

You can make more money by trading manually! Just take the time to learn how to do it. Get an education. Find a nice set of indicators to use. Follow the news. Etc. … but oh no, you won’t do that will you because you don’t want to invest the time and money into that. You just want to have the computer do all the work…while you get rich lying on the beach… hence your attraction to trading robots.

Many overhyped commercial EA are clearly marketed as some kind of holy-grail, get-rich-quick scheme that will make you fabulously wealthy. Truth is, a lot of commercial EAs (and even lots of free ones), I would simply NOT TRUST to run on a live account for a variety of reasons I will explain below. You really have to wonder - if somebody made a successful trading EA… why would they share it? Why would they need the money if it trades so well anyway? Why invite thousands of other people to use the same trading system which will run the risk of be detected by brokers when they see it used too commonly, and shafted in a way to eventually make them unworkable?

The answer is simple… a good majority of EAs are absolute rubbish. These people KNOW that the only way to make money from the EA is not to use it themselves, but to sell it to as many people as possible, with the lure of making lots of money!
DON’T BE FOOLED. There are many EAs which verge on being scams, or are just outright dangerous to use live.

Many programmers who are capable of programming EAs do not run them on live accounts AT ALL! What’s worse, some of the free EAs these people produce are snapped up by unscrupulous people and sold off as the next “holy grail” EA… which brings me to my next point:-

  • There is NO Holy Grail EA!

You can FORGET IT - unless you manage to program it yourself, and then KEEP IT to yourself.
In THAT case you’re probably already a skilled manual trader anyway, and you would not be hunting for a holy grail.

Secondly, there is NO serious robot that goes without losing a trade. Not even the ones that say that they cannot lose.
Typically, when someone mentions that there is a robot that doesn’t lose, they are typically referring to a robot that allows MASSIVE drawdown and simply will NOT close trades unless they go into profit. On a technicality, you can say that such robots do not lose… UNTIL they MARGIN CALL your account!

Even if they magically didn’t lose, having drawdown come close to or nearly wipe your account out is NO WAY to trade responsibly!

All robots can, and WILL LOSE at some point. The thing to keep in mind is that, despite the losses, it should be PROFITABLE overall.

So then, what are the characteristics of a BAD Robot?

  • MASSIVE drawdowns/stop losses!

It goes without saying, that putting a robot in charge of a live account and letting it risk a good chunk of it to grab a small profit is utter MADNESS. Oh sure, the robot might profit for a few months with such a plan, but when it MISSES… and all it needs is one miss… BYE BYE PROFIT. Even if it DIDN’T miss, you will not be able to run the robot and get any sleep. You will more likely panic and try and shut down open trades, and if you do that, there’s a possibility that the trade might have swung around! You would have blown up a trade FOR NOTHING!

What’s even WORSE than trading with huge stoplosses, are NO STOPLOSSES AT ALL! Again, PURE INSANITY!
Avoid these EAs LIKE THE PLAGUE!

  • Beware the martingale!

There are some nasty commercial EAs (and a number of free ones), which include a martingale system. A martingale system is essentially a GAMBLING system (you can read all about it on Wikipedia). In a martingale system, when the robot loses a trade, it doubles the lot on the next trade in order to get that lost money back. That’s all well and good if the next trade is a winner - you’re back in the game!.. but what happens if it loses the NEXT trade too? Well, you’re account has a nice BIG hole in it, and the robot is betting even MORE money that will win the next one… BUT WHAT IF IT DOESN’T? I’ll tell you what happens… the robot DESTROYS your account!

A martingale system can seem profitable initially for a few months… but all it needs one a series of losses in a row to wipe your profits RIGHT OUT! It may not happen in one month, it may not happen in six months, but believe me… one day, when you least expect it, it WILL HAPPEN!

  • Skewed backtesting!

Commercial robots usually sell themselves with these. You have a nice graph which shows you how it managed to turn $10,000 into a brazillian dollars in the space of one year only. WOW, RIGHT?
It is VERY easy to optimize the settings on ANY EA in order to make it appear profitable over one or two years worth of data. HOWEVER… drop that EA over a DIFFERENT year’s data, with DIFFERENT market conditions… and BOOM! There’s a distinct possibility that it would have BLOWN THE ACCOUNT UP!

Simply speaking, an EA that CANNOT survive and thrive on more than 10 years of historical data is NOT WORTH the bytes it takes up on your computer’s hard drive… and even THEN you have to understand that it could have EASILY been backtested and optimized to fit 10 years to make that equity curve look pretty! Who knows what the next 10 years will hold? If the robot CANNOT assess changes in the market which happen from year to year, again, it’s a WASTE OF YOUR TIME!
No robot knows the future! That goes without saying really…

  • Beware the brokers!

A lot of profitable EAs revolve around scalping the market. Typically, they take advantage of range trading that happens at a certain time period, and makes small trades based on the fluctuations. In order for these kinds of trades to work, however, your broker needs to have low spreads on the pairs it works on. If your broker has HIGH spreads, then these scalping robots will simply NOT work, or at least WORK badly and not in your favour!

Here’s the thing though… there are many unscrupulous brokers out there with crazy low spreads who are untrustworthy bucket shops. There are more reputable brokers who have high spreads but won’t like you taking all their money with scalping. Do your research on how your robot trades, and choose a broker wisely!

OK OK, so despite all this, you still want to use a trading robot anyway.
Then understand the following:-

  • Do your research!

There are websites, review blogs and forums out there that regularly backtest and forward test commerical and free EAs. Careful who you trust and what you want to believe… having said that, I have never seen a forum post with someone saying how wealthy they became from forex robot trading. I’m not sure anybody would be game to say it if they did.

  • DEMO test, DEMO test, DEMO test

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS demo “forward” test your EAs on a demo account for AT LEAST a month before even considering putting them onto a live account. Forward tests are more trustworthy than backtests. You want to see how it trades, what the drawdown is like, how it handles losses, and what to expect from month to month, and how it deals with the broker’s order execution shenannigans. If YOU are NOT comfortable using the robot on a demo account, DO NOT use it live!
In fact, many EA creators who are smart enough to develop these robots, simply do NOT use robots live AT ALL!

  • Create a free EA trading strategy.

Using a free EA strategy can be profitable, but still requires a fair amount of work. The good news is that there is no risk of the broker being able to predict just what the heck you are up to with much accuracy… unlike the hordes of “commercial-holy-grail-of-the-month” robot drones.

If you are using a free EA, you will have plenty of options to play with. Most of the free EAs simply won’t survive a 10 year backtest anyway. If you try to optimize them for 10 years, you will find that they’re not even very profitable over that period of time. In essence, all you can do is optimize for maybe 1-2 years, and RE-OPTIMIZE them every month to take on board the latest market conditions with fresh data.

If you are going to go with a free EA strategy, then hedge your bets by using a slew of optimized and tested robots, manually intervening if you don’t like where they are going. With this kind of strategy, you had best use an equity managing EA in order to prevent your equity from falling below a certain level, and you will have to keep a close eye on all your trades and the win:loss ration of your EAs, moving out and dropping in different EAs to handle the market on a regular basis. It’s not a hands-free strategy, but at least you will have some control over how you trade, rather than blind faith in a blackbox robot.

The best you can hope for is a small percentage of profit every month from such a trading strategy. You will not get rich quick… but you may get rich slowly, especially if you back that up with some manual forex trading skills.

  • Retract your initial investment AS SOON AS you can!

It goes without saying, you don’t want to lose any money in this venture, correct? Well then, as soon as you can, withdraw your initial investment. Then your EA can happily work away and blow your account up and you will have at least not lost your shirt. You won’t have gained anything either, but that’s the nature of the forex robot lotto.

  • NEVER open a live account for a robot with more than $1000

After all you have read, you STILL want to go ahead with this… OK then, the conclusion that I have come to when it comes to robot trading, (ESPECIALLY if you are using a commercial “black box” EA) is this:- YOU ARE GAMBLING. Whatever money you let an forex robot play with, is essentially DEAD MONEY! Forex is risky, and if you haven’t lost money very quickly in Forex trading, you’re definitely going to learn ALL ABOUT IT! Never risk money that you aren’t comfortable with losing completely!

You are gambling on the fact that the black box robot that somebody created is actually going to work and continue to work - since you have no idea how it operates! ANY money you put into a live account with an EA, has a good possibility of vanishing into thin air!

If the EA is as good as it says it is, it should be profitable in the long run, regardless of how much you put in, right?
That is, if you intend to quit your job and live off of this for a number of years, and if it really is the holy-grail you have been made to believe it is, IT HAD BETTER! Therefore, it should survive off a small account and with any luck, it may turn into a million dollars in a few years. Good luck with that. It’s an expensive lotto ticket. Let’s hope it pays off and you at least profit a bit!

Best of luck with your robot trading everyone! You’ll need it in spades!
If I missed anything, please let me know. I’m all ears.

You’re my new hero, Naynay!

Babypips should sticky this at the top of the forum and also put it in the School of Pipsology.


This is all knowledge that I wish I knew before diving into robot trading.
I’m not saying that EA trading can’t be profitable, because it sure can be. I just felt that all the above simply needed to be said so that newbies know what they are getting into, and don’t end up blasting thousands of dollars away unnecessarily.

They’re certainly not going to get this side of the story from the brokers or the commercial EA dealers, that’s for sure.

This is top stuff [B]Naynay[/B]!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Best of all, you are speaking from direct experience and not spouting some philosophy.

I am very glad you have posted this, it obviously took a lot of time and trouble to post such a long message.
But it is just what this forum needed, and needed for a long time!![/B] :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Well said. I have to agree with much of what you had to say.

I would maybe like to put a couple of questions into perspective.

Forex robot trading is NOT I REPEAT NOT a get-rich-quick scheme!

Never a truer word said. I do not trade manually…ever, but I find I spend from 2 to 12 hours a day in front of my computer. Why…because automated trading is a field of study on its own. It takes time and effort and dedication so that you can know what you are doing.

I am one of those newbies who has spent months studying robot trading. I have learnt too that the $197 you spend to buy a robot is the cheapest part of the exercise.

You really have to wonder - if somebody made a successful trading EA… why would they share it?

Now lets look past FAPTurbo for a moment, which is a marketing organisation not a serious trading entity. The average market for a good EA may be 400 units…this is not going to affect the market. If your good robot returns 100% per year, how many years will it take you to achieve your first million dollars. If you consider that some of the best programming talent comes from poorer areas(Indonesia or Russia for example), you will see that making $5000 by selling a good product has the ability to catapult your ability to reach that million dollar target.

Commercial robots usually sell themselves with these. You have a nice graph which shows you how it managed to turn $10,000 into a brazillian dollars in the space of one year only. WOW, RIGHT?

You are right here, and anyone that decides to give up his day job based on a backtest deserves what they are going to get. But lets face it, backtesting is the very first step in assesing a robot. I don’t like wasting my time on robots with poor backtests.

There is also a lot of misunderstanding of the limitations of backtesting. Like I said, you need to know what you are doing. A good back test does not make it a scam.

Beware the brokers!

One of my single biggest bugbears. At this stage I have live accounts with 7 different brokers to assess their trading conditions, and demo account with another 5 or 6.

There are websites, review blogs and forums out there that regularly backtest and forward test commerical and free EAs. Careful who you trust and what you want to believe… having said that, I have never seen a forum post with someone saying how wealthy they became from forex robot trading. I’m not sure anybody would be game to say it if they did.

Also so very true. Just a tip here…when visiting review site, beware of the affiliates(or IB’s). They often sign up and give very biased reviews. When you see a 5 star reveiw with less than half a dozen reviews then forget it. And if there isn’t at least one whiner around then beware.

I am not sure if proclaiming great wealth from trading would be in very good taste, so I am not surprised they are not shouting it from the rooftops. I could show you my demo account that has done almost 1000% in the last 65 days…maybe it was just a run of good luck and I am still trying to duplicate that on a real account but I feel like I am making progress.

Bottom line is, I feel that robot trading is no more of a crapshoot than manual trading. I have still to see an answer to what you use in your manual system that cannot be coded into a robot. You say the robot must survive 10 years of backtesting…are you sure your manual trading system would stand that same test without any refinement over time? You mention curve fitting, and I would argue that technical anaysis by its very nature is curve fitting. Just like the robot cannot predict the future, neither can a manual system.

I think the most valuable point you make is that there are a lot of robots out there that don’t work and those that do work, still need attention. For example I will turn off my robots from tommorrow night because of NFP on friday(except for a few test samples).

Nicely said!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I agree with you too, so let’s continue the discussion:-

Agreed. I think it goes without saying that anyone who uses one of the free EAs found on the related Forex forums should know exactly how the robot trades… and then does their homework and optimizes and tests them for use IF they ever use them live. Better yet, learn MQ4 and program their own EAs. I’m sure you’ll agree that it takes a lot of time and effort… something the get-rich-quick crowd will not understand.

The average market for a good EA may be 400 units…this is not going to affect the market. If your good robot returns 100% per year, how many years will it take you to achieve your first million dollars. If you consider that some of the best programming talent comes from poorer areas(Indonesia or Russia for example), you will see that making $5000 by selling a good product has the ability to catapult your ability to reach that million dollar target.

I have no experience with purchasing any of the “limited edition” EAs that appear every once in a while that are limited to only a certain number of buyers, so I cannot comment. However, I think that your ability to evaluate such an EA is limited if there is no demo testing allowed, and since there is only a select pool of people actually using these EAs, reviews on them are scant at best, I would imagine.
Some of them are quite expensive as well.

You are also right to suggest that it will take YEARS for an EA (even a good EA) to hit 1 million dollars from a small start up amount. It all adds up though I guess :wink:

Not to say that there aren’t any good ones out there… but all I’m trying to emphasize to the newbies is “caveat emptor”.

But lets face it, backtesting is the very first step in assesing a robot. I don’t like wasting my time on robots with poor backtests.
There is also a lot of misunderstanding of the limitations of backtesting. Like I said, you need to know what you are doing. A good back test does not make it a scam.

Agreed here too. Solid backtests are one of the best ways to judge an EA. It is one of the things to look for when choosing one.

At this stage I have live accounts with 7 different brokers to assess their trading conditions, and demo account with another 5 or 6.

I use a free EA that trades directionally on the H4, so brokers aren’t so much of an issue with it. For sure, broker spreads are more of an issue with scalping EAs that use pairs other than the EURUSD (which traditionally has a low spread)

Also so very true. Just a tip here…when visiting review site, beware of the affiliates(or IB’s). They often sign up and give very biased reviews. When you see a 5 star reveiw with less than half a dozen reviews then forget it. And if there isn’t at least one whiner around then beware.

Cheers for the tip.

It is quite easy to spot the overhyped robots, alright.

Just Look For All The Sentences With Words All Beginning With a Capital Letter Promising Big Profits!
And WHY do they show a picture of their Forex EA in a retail box? Maybe with several CDs lying around it? You DIGITALLY DOWNLOAD the software. You don’t get a retail box!
And the next thing they’re saying is that “Hurry Quick, before we raise the price!” – which of course they never do.

I could show you my demo account that has done almost 1000% in the last 65 days…maybe it was just a run of good luck and I am still trying to duplicate that on a real account but I feel like I am making progress.

I have a similar story here. I’ve managed to double a small $1000 demo accounts in the space of a month or so, simply through testing bots that backtested well without using any optimizations. I did have to manually intervene on occasions however, and let my equity manager robot to manage my profits when the bots started drawing down more than I liked.
I figure I can get a decent system working with this live… but only if I tend to it.

Bottom line is, I feel that robot trading is no more of a crapshoot than manual trading. I have still to see an answer to what you use in your manual system that cannot be coded into a robot.

One thing a robot can’t do (or that I’ve yet to see one do), is to accurately read and digest news reports and factor forex fundamentals into trades. So far, the best I’ve seen is a bot that gets info as to when the news announcements are, and stops trading activity during the announcement.
Please tell me if a news digesting EA actually exists!
I’ve managed to do OK from manual trading by keeping a key eye towards the news and the fundamentals, and spotting and riding breakouts.

It just seems that most bots have no choice but to ignore fundamentals… which is something of a weakness which only manual trading can factor in.

I think the most valuable point you make is that there are a lot of robots out there that don’t work and those that do work, still need attention. For example I will turn off my robots from tommorrow night because of NFP on friday(except for a few test samples).

I couldn’t agree more.

The websites that review and test EAs are quite valuable resources. There is a LOT of junk EAs going around out there, that not only waste accounts in forward testing, but wasted them in backtesting to boot!

On the other hand, and without saying too much, there are a few EAs that are worth our attention.

i agree with most of this. i do, however, have these “limited” EA’s. I bought one EA for 450.00 now it’s 999.00 it still for sale on the site but there’s no more info on what it is or how it works. it’s a really good scalper i try to buy the more higher value EA’s with live forward statements as proof of what they do and i study the statments very long and hard to get what type of trade strategy it may be (scalp,longterm, etc). I just personally think you get better service from buying a (usually) higher qaulity EA for 500.00-1000.00 that only 100-500 people have than a 97.00 EA that 20,000 people might buy. also, i like hedging bots too. damn NFA! i wish i could use them over here at Mbt! it would be a done deal as far as that goes! what happens if you have a run away trade and you can’t hedge the loss so the loss isn’t as big?! drawdown sucks! it’s like an insurance policy and it makes sense. if you get in a car wreck, it doesn’t prevent the loss of a car, but the losses are cut dramatically if you have a good policy. but bots are only as good as the traders who own them. using the proper bot for your trade style and personal goals/gains is part what will help you to succed, the other part is knowing how the forex market works and that part, is the most important one.

happy trading!

This is something I hope to look into doing when I have enough coin… although for the money some of these limited ones are asking for, you’d best be certain that they work well and don’t destroy accounts!

I know that some of the authors of these limited release bots are very concerned about piracy of their EAs, and will not allow demo testing of their robots before a purchase. This unfortunately creates a breeding ground for scams, and actually makes authors of superlative EAs hesitant about releasing them to the public for any price!

but bots are only as good as the traders who own them. using the proper bot for your trade style and personal goals/gains is part what will help you to succed, the other part is knowing how the forex market works and that part, is the most important one.

That’s true. you need to know what the bot is capable of before deciding to go live with it. For example, there are long-term bots that will take several years to make you rich, but will do it with relative safety… and then you have bots which can make money incredibly fast, but run the risk of blowing up your account at any moment.

Actually the latter kind of high risk aggressive bots can still be profitable, as long as you are able to withdraw your initial investment from your account BEFORE the EA hits a snag and blows the account up! In fact, all you need is to risk a few weeks to recover your investment with some of these ones. After that it’s a free lottery for a million dollar prize you stand a chance of winning… and should you let it run and it lucks out by avoid snags for a number of months, you can make a nice profit!

Hi I work with robots and is true that is impossible not to loose money. I use forexmegatrion, and is true there have been days where I loose money, but at the end of the month I gain more that what I lost, so the balance is positive. Is also agree there is no way someone can get rich as quickly as the ads saids, but I am making around $3000.00 a month and for me is ok. Because I really think that is better a regular income than try to make more and lost all the capital.

I don’t doubt you at all.

In fact one strategy that works well for me is to start up a live account with $1000 and then run a high-risk aggressive bot on it until the account doubles. With a high risk bot, this doesn’t take long, and with only $1000 I don’t risk much in case that high-risk bot blows up my account.

After that I can get my money back and re-use that money to open another account, to which I do the same thing all over again.

Once this is complete, I can set up a different robot on each live account and let them crunch away until one of them makes me rich, or blows up entirely. I think with a fanned out strategy like this I can hedge my robots against each other

Also recently, it was discovered that a certain robot was making nice backtests because of optimized year data in the .dll file it came with! That’s all well and good for making nice backtests, but when you have NO optimized data for a forward test, you run a huge risk!
Another reason to be careful of black-box EAs!

I think changing up robots every now and then is a good idea. Right now I’m using FAP Turbo, and I started out doing pretty well, but now the profits have dipped down a lot. I think its getting close to that time to change up the robot. The new one I am going to use when it comes out is called IvyBot. I’ve heard some good things about it, so thats why its going to be my next one.

:)thank you Naynay for your post, this morning I received a notification that some new person was following me on twitter…odd, I thought (only because I have been on twitter for over a month and have nver been followed before (unless you count the porn star who tried to follow me and twitter kicked her out)…sorry for rambling. Anyway it turns out that it was an advertisement for an EA. " I HAVE JUST MADE $16,500 IN 2 HOURS" Obviously they had my attention.

I have done nothing the whole day but stare at my screen researching all this and your email and the subsequent replies have taught me SOOOO much! Thank you also to those who responded!

Wish me luck!!!:smiley:

I tend to think that robots that are incapable of adapting to different market conditions are risky bots. I liken them to time-bombs. They can be incredibly profitable up to a point – until the market conditions change and then they become useless – or worse, blow your account up.

(…and then when it becomes useless, all the affiliates guide you to buy the NEXT EA-of-the-month! And around we go again suckers!)

You can still profit with risky bots however… but again, I would only give them a small amount to play with, and then withdraw that money as soon as the account breaks even. On backtests, I would look to see that the bot would break even in a reasonably short timeframe (about a month or two). Typically a risky bot will have a huge stoploss that, if hit, will wipe your account, but this isn’t always the case. Ignoring that for a minute, you will have to gamble that the EA will get you to “break even” without wiping your account.
After you break even, you can do what you want. If you want to go for the glory, you can just set the EA to an aggressive mode and try to drive it all the way to riches (or not, if it blows up before you get there!)

You also have to factor in the differences between live and demo accounts.
Demo accounts typically have lower spreads than live accounts, and so to a certain degree, backtests aren’t 100% reliable. To make matters worse, live servers are usually less responsive than demo servers (and made deliberately so in software by the brokers!). On a live server, opening and closing of accounts can be slow, and requotes can be commonplace — all affecting your bottomline and the EAs responsiveness. Forward testing on a live account is really the ONLY way to effectively test an EA with any sense of reliability (and then, that’s assuming market conditions hold!)

Not saying that making $16,000 in 2 hours is impossible (somebody must be doing it…), but you should at least be wary and cover yourself before risking your money. :smiley:

Thanks for the response NayNay. I’m going to make my next robot, IvyBot, a little more aggressive and see if I can run up some real profits. I have a strong feeling that even with the extra risk, IvyBot is going to be the one to give me good returns. I just have to make sure to slow down the aggressiveness after a while.

I usually hold off on any EA purchases until a reviewer can successfully test the bot on a live account for a few months. Typically if the bot can be profitable for 3 months in a row, and profitable enough in that time to break-even, then it may be worth a gamble – assuming the trading style of the EA holds up to a bit of scrutiny.

There are other websites out there that actively forward test EAs on live accounts. I won’t mention them by name on this forum, but if you do some internet searches you’ll find them easily enough.

But it seems to me, by the time a reviewer gets the robot and tests it for a couple of months, I will have missed out on the best opportunities because it is a less known robot in the beginning. It seems as if the way to get the best profits on any robot is to use it before everyone else knows about it.

Well if it works in the long run… what’s the rush? :smiley:

I mean, just do a bit of a google and you’ll see that the people behind it’s marketing have gone to all kinds of lengths to flood Google with all kinds of spurious web pages.

Unless of course, you have a vested intrest in forum spamming for them too? :eek:… I mean, come on!

Its just that the way I figured it, the longer the robot is out there, the more people that have it, and the more the results will be spread throughout other people, because more people are doing the same thing. Thats the whole reason why I like to switch robots, because the market gets flooded with everyone using one robot, then it becomes ineffective.

The forex market is so huge, I don’t think that the market for a particular robot isn’t actually as big as you would think. Certainly not big enough to seriously affect the market! Plus there are so many EAs to choose from… I don’t think everybody will be using the same one.

Well, if you want to be an early adopter, it’s your money after all… but all I’m saying is that given that most of the commercial EAs are junk, your chances of this new one NOT being junk are stacked against you! I would seriously wait out a proper live-account review, or if you are determined to get the bot, run it on demo for a few months of so first before going live.