Personality - a great tool in trading

If am asked what thing has helped me much than any trading materials found out there is my personality.
I became a Stoic as a teen before choosing trading as a career; this has helped me deal with every uncertainties in the market poking my entries and exits levels and as well guiding my waiting levers.

Do you also agree our personality to handling every of life day-to-day matters plays an important role to our trading system, if not what’s your take on this?

Wow. You already knew about stoicism as a teenager? That’s amazing. And yes, I agree, that will definitely help you not just in trading but in life in general.

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Absolutely yes. and i have seen it worked for me in every aspect.

I believe that a combination of a strong personality and mindset, along with solid trading skills and knowledge, is essential for long-term success in trading.

How did you become a stoic, can you teach me how? XD. Does that mean you can resist extreme emotions?

And this is of course "an edge."

Sure. Stoicism helps you lord over your emotions. And on how to become one,
“The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. Where then do I look for good and evil? Not to uncontrollable externals, but within myself to the choices that are my own . . .” - this, the idea of stoicism.


I totally agree, with a proper personal daily routine, you are able to embed orderliness into your trading plan/ management subconscious and in turn becomes beneficial in the long run

im a normal person ,im unintelligent ,self doubted and easy frustrated,but that doesn’t stop me from profiting ,i believe there’s vary profiting systems for different kind of personalities.


Appreciate your opinion but this alone could destroy a millennia castle overnight.