What’s the etiquette or law about being able to recommend a broker? I’m looking for a good one that is regulated and legit, but also that has great customer service. Offering a deposit bonus would be nice too. Suggestions?
Regulated brokers don’t offer bonus.
Hi, I recommend this link:
What you’re looking for is the perfect broker! I’d really look for one of those whenever you find it!
New Zealand
I’m a little bit new to Forex, but what do you mean with those countries?
IMHO, Broker from these 4 countries may be more reliable. However, there will always be exception regardless.
Great customer service, regulated and licensed, $500 no deposit bonus, is what I can say about the broker I use, it’s called Forexchief. Yes, regulated brokers do give bonuses, many brokers do.
broker section is more appropriate to discuss the matter , thanks to all.
how many regulated brokers you need which provide many kinds of bonuses ?
Just one good one that I can trust with my money
Where is your broker regulated?
Got it, thanks!
Hi, I recommend this 2 URL is best :