Pirateboy's Equity Trade Journal

Will be posting my equity ETF trades here

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Welcome @pirateboy!

Looking forward to your future posts.

I am having a tough time refraining from any pirate puns!! :laughing:



Wanted to give you a pirate welcome, but let’s stick to the warm BP welcome. :smiley: Haha. Welcooooome. :blush: Good luck on this! :slight_smile:

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Oh, you’ve been a member since 2009! Welcome back and good luck with this one!

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Great. Looking forward to it.

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gosh, thanks, for the warm reception folks! yeah, have been offline for a decade or so…hardly a pirate"boy" anymore!

I currently have my 2x leveraged positions in IWM and QQQ.

Will be continuing to hold the positions with a view to exit on 2pm prior to Fed minutes on 19 June 2019.


Primary macro event: Fed minutes (19 June)
Next macro event: G20 meeting (28-29 June)

Stocks generally like to move higher ahead of Fed minutes.

AAII Bull-Bear: -7.36% (13 June)
Still more juice for an upside

CME Probabilities: 79.2% to stay at current 225-250bp
Too complacent? Would be a huge upside if Fed cuts tomorrow

Stoch RSI (14,14,3,3):
Just looks overstreched, good for the exit

Thx for heads up

Sold my levered ETF positions in IWM and QQQ.

Moved the funds into 15,000 of MINT in the meantime.


Am looking for the market to cool in the next few days, and will be pondering whether there might be any possibility of entry before/after Trump’s meeting with Xi. There should be at least some optics and good cheer coming out from the meeting, so…we shall see!

On hindsight, should have gone out 24 hours later…but rules are rules!

Currently 15,000 at 101.63 at deposit rates for MINT till the end of the month.


Indices are all Overbought and not possible to enter at these levels.

Nothing is worse than selling your position, and seeing the market keep on rising!
