Pivot points in MT4 platform &

Hello everyone,
pls i do not know where to find the indicator; ‘pivot points’ on the MetaTrader4 platform(Northfinance). Can anyone pls help me out?
Also, is fibonacci ‘extension’ the same as fibonacci ‘expansion’, because i cannot find fibonacci ‘extension’ on MT4 platform. Thanks

Mine is called “Pivot Lines” and it’s under Custom Indicators but, to be honest with you, I don’t remember if it came standard or I added it myself. Either way, here it is.

As for Fibs, the “expansion” looks like it’s the same as “extensions”. Just go into the “Properties” and click the “Fibo Levels” tab to add more lines if you want them.


Pivot Lines.zip (2.3 KB)

This may sound stupid,but I cannot figure out how to put that file you have there into my platform.I have tried others without succes also.Your help would be apprciated…josh:)

Hi, thanks very much for your information, but i still did not find the ‘pivot lines’ under my custom indicators.


Close your MT4.

Unzip the file and copy Pivot Lines.mq4 to your MT4 folder under “experts/indicators”.

Restart MT4 and “Pivot Lines” will show up in your “Custom Indicators”.


See my reply to jlmac27, above.


Here is the one I use. It allows you to select which pivot points to display(Daily, Weekly, Monthly). Enjoy

Thanks. That will come in handy.
