Hey guys,
Im fairly new, I spent the past 3-4 months reading countless books about FOREX and markets, this includes doing Internet research.
Now I am gearing up to do some paper trading, but here is my problem… for the past week I been doing research on platforms and software, the sad part is that I can not seem to find a platform that I like.
I was using metatrader until I saw the spread was about 20 pips (eforex(itradeforex)). MT4 was simple to use but I did not like the charting program…I do plan on subscribing to ESIGNAL once I go live…
Right now Im using FXCM Trading Station and I LOVE it…very cool but Im not a fan of the account options from the broker…
Can anyone else give me some good platforms with some nice brokers that are credited or a platform that uses Marketscope 2.0 since I REALLY love this charting application?