Please allow me to introduce myself

Hello and happy Saturday. My name is Marisa, and I am brand new to trading and the site. I was referred to the site by a friend and colleague. I am originally from Illinois but moved to Texas in 2019. I have also lived in Washington State and California by way of the Navy. I am hoping to learn about trading to help secure my finances in the future and create opportunities for my children.

I am really looking forward to learning and applying the information. Thank you so much for having me.

Have a great weekend!

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Welcome, study hard!

Welcome Marisa! It’s going to be a long journey of learning and practice. I hope you’ll achieve all your goals for you and your family.

Welcome to the community, Marisa. Are you going through the education section here now? Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Thank you so much for the warm welcome.

Yes, I started the preschool. I ordered some notebooks for the courses because I learn best when I write things down. Thank you for the welcome!