PLEASE HELP. How To Adjust Settings On Forex Robot?

Hello Everybody,

I downloaded a forex robot for MT4. I have used it already and I like it. The problem is that the demo account I have been using it with is for a £100,000 account and I would like to know how I can adjust the robot settings to make it work with an account of just £100?

I have taken screenshot of the inputs aswell if it would be helpful.

The account leverage needs to be changed??

Any idea’s how I can adjust the setting for this robot to work with an account of £100?

Thanks for your help,


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Somebody PLEASE HELP!!

Is this EA free? Please let me know so I can test it for you. Otherwise request a new demo account with just $100 and try it again.

Looking at the settings this seems to be a margintale ea. So please be careful. Martingale normally needs a larger account than just $100.

Hello thank you soo much for your reply. I downloaded the robot here:

I changed the fix lot unit to ‘true’ and it began opening 0.1 lots, the only problem is when I try to use it on my live account it won’t do any orders at all.

I am with Markets’com… have they blocked people from using EAs on live accounts?

Have you got any free recommended EA’s for micro accounts?

Thank you.

P.S. I just sent my broker an email requesting a £1000 practice account to see if it works with that, if it does I will keep losing the money to see what the minimum requirement amount is for the EA to work. This will also be a good way to test if it does work with a £100 account like you suggested.

I’m sure this is not the best EA in the world, if you have any recommendations please let me know. I sincerely hope it is my account balance that is the problem and nothing to do with the broker itself and it’s compatibility with EA. Maybe I am just being paranoid?

I tried this EA in demo. It gave me great profits But it doesn’t have SL and a days later it wiped my account.
If you are going to use it don’t use more than 0.01-0.02 lots for each 1000$. This Ea opens a lot of orders so 100£ aren’t enought.

Hey thank you for the advice, do you know how to adjust the settings??

I have been trying to adjust the settings but it keeps opinion 0.40 lots and upwards. I would like to set it to 0.19 maximum lot.

Do you know how to adjust the settings to open smaller lots??

I posted the setting above but I don’t know what they mean :-/

Use Maxtrades to limit the maximum number of trades.
Now the following parameters I am not 100% sure.
The lot progression is a martigale and it´s as follow.
()If number of open orders>=StepX then Lotsize(order n)=Lotsizeorder(order n-1)LotExponent2
else Lotsizeorder(n)=Lotsizeorder(n-1)LotExponent1
) Not sure if its >= or >
I think LotExponent1, LotExponent2, PipStep and PipStep2 are used to calculate the distance between a order and the previous one as follows:
) If number of open orders >=StepX then distance between orders=Pipstep2
LotExponent2^(number of open orders)
else distance between orders=Pipstep*LotExponent1^(number of open orders)

I found the source code of this EA but I don´t understand the comments.
TENGRI 1.4 - Desynced Forex MT4 Indicators and Expert Advisors Repository

I was able to translate the setting to english with Google translator. The EA is in russian and is called Tengri

// TENGRI EA trades pare Euro Dollar and Dollar Swiss, hung on two pairs at once, with different MagicNumber = 12345;
// for councilor not go around Silence2_02 indicator must be located in a folder indicators hang adviser on the M1,
// indicator to the chart does not necessarily hang, trade counselor in two directions at once
// Added normalization of orders opening - reinvestment of the first order at the equity adjustment for TF can now
// timeframes in order to optimize the order of TF displays all settings turkeys to external variables.
extern string af4 = "[email protected] <[email protected]>";

// timeframes are calculated in order of priority, if TF = 1; then this 1-M1, 2-M5, 3-M15, 4-M30, 5-H1, 6-H4, 7-D1 etc.
// thanks programmer runik, for a piece of code for TF

extern string a = "------- over the bar of the 1st order -------";
extern int TF_Op1 = 4; // the timeframe for the bar area for the opening of the 1st order, if 1-M1, 2-M5, M15-3 ... etc.
extern string b = "------- Silence 1st order -------";
extern int TFSilence1 = 2; // timeframe 1st order light Silence, if the 1-M1, 2-M5, M15-3 ... etc.
extern int PerSilence1 = 11; // period Silence of the 1st order
extern int BuffSilence1 = 220; // BuffSize Silence of the 1st order
extern int Sil_Level1 = 80; // level Level indicator Silence of the 1st order
extern string a = "------- Silence ------- knees";
extern int TFSilence2 = 3; // timeframe knees indicator Silence, if the 1-M1, 2-M5, M15-3 ... etc.
extern int PerSilence2 = 12; // period Silence knees
extern int BuffSilence2 = 96; // BuffSize Silence knees
extern int Sil_Level2 = 80; // level Level indicator Silence knees
extern string k = "------- ------- MA knees";
extern int TF_MA2 = 3; // timeframe knees MA indicator, if the 1-M1, 2-M5, M15-3 ... etc.
extern int Per_MA2 = 30; // MA period knees
extern string Block = "------- Options -------";

extern double PipStepExponent = 1; // if you need a progressive step

extern double LotExponent1 = 1.70; // progressive lot to StepX
extern double LotExponent2 = 2.08; // progressive exhibition after StepX
extern int StepX = 5; // Step = 5, to 5shaga increases in eksponento1 after 5 to eksponento2

extern double LotSize = 0.01; // lot size of the 1st order if FixLot = true;
extern bool FixLot = false; // true - fixed lot, if false - then look LotStep
extern int LotStep = 2000; // increment bid. ie how to deposit LotStep vostolko increase LotSize. If the depot is 2000 lot 0.01, if it becomes a 4000 exhibition 0.02

extern int PipStep = 10; // step between refilling. each step in uvilichivaetsya PipStepExponent times if Silence below Level.
extern int PipStep2 = 20; // step between refilling. each step in uvilichivaetsya PipStepExponent times higher if the Silence Level.

extern int TP = 10; // teykprofit
extern int MaxTrades = 10; // maximum number of tribes

extern string GeneralBlock = "------- ------- General settings";

extern bool Ostanov = true; // Include closing Locke all orders upon reaching a predetermined limit
extern double Limit = 50; // Limit for closing orders (in currency units)

extern int OpenNewTF = 1; // taymfrem to open new orders, if the 1-M1, 2-M5, M15-3 ... etc.
extern int OpenNextTF = 1; // timeframe for opening the knee warrants, if the 1-M1, 2-M5, M15-3 ... etc.
extern int Povtor = 1; // timeframe for repeating queries

extern string d = "job counselor on Friday to";
extern bool CloseFriday = true; // Use a time limit on Friday true, do not use false
extern int CloseFridayHour = 19; // Time on Friday after which do not exhibit first order

extern string OfficialVariable = "------- ------- utility variables";
extern string InformationOnChartString = "InformationOnChart - turn off the tester (slow)";
extern bool InformationOnChart = true; // whether to display the information on the chart, turn off the tester (slows down)
extern int MagicNumber = 12345; // this number occurs identification warrants appliances Adviser
extern string af5 = "- === Kazakstan treider == -";

Also I found a page in russian with variations of this EA. Here it is:
�������� Tengri 1.4 full pack - ������� ���������!

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Hello jp78 thanks for replying.

I changed the trade size yesterday and it solved the lot issue. I made the maximum trades to 5 and the lots did not get any higher. I have had great results with this EA too. I made 30% in 12 hours on a demo account. It works great when the market is trending up and down, up and down; but when it get’s to a spike (like how we have seen today on EURUSD) it goes into serious dept.

I think this EA could be fantastic if it had spike protection, and to be honest - I think it’s the only thing that is wrong with this EA.

When the market spikes; the EA keeps the opposing trades open and allows them to go into dept, but if this EA opened new trades in the direction the spike was going in, it could protect the margin and also neutralize the dept that is occurring.

Maybe it could activate after a certain number of pips are reached; almost like a red zone that activates a powerful safety mechanism to neutralize the dept. Maybe just one trade that is double or triple the lot size of the current dept, and after 10-20 pips is achieved, it closes the trades.

The best way I have found to use this EA is to use it only when you are certain the market is not going to spike.

Do you know how to convert those mql4 files into ex4 files so we can try them out?

Thanks for the heads up on the Tengri information. I am still new to all of this,


Copy the mql in the experts subdirectory and restart the MT4 terminal. If that doesn’t work you wll have to correct tje errors with the mql editor (or use an older version of MT4).


This is something I hadn’t realized. This EA is designed for 4 digits brokers. If your broker has 5 digits you need to multiply pipstep, pipstep2 and tp by 10.

@mrnoob In the link I posted there are versions with equity protection and stop trading. Some of then use different indicators.

I think that 4 digit EA won’t work in 5 digit broker.
You must reconstruct its script.
I’ve try to use my EA in insta but it doesn’t work. Then I keep it working in Liteforex broker.

That depends on the particular EA. This one works, I have tested it It with Hotforex.

Hey thank you so much for looking into this. I am using 5 digit broker, Alpari. If I have an account of £500, what should the settings be?

You said pipstep, pipstep2 and tp by 10 should be multiplied by 10.

Does that mean that I should take it’s default settings and multiply each number by 10? So if it’s 100 I should change it to 1000, is that correct?

Thank you so much for looking into all of this. I am still a noob and feel like i’ve tried everything and lost quite abit of money when I first started out.

If you have a setting of 100 you probably got it from someone who uses it in a 5 digits broker so leave it that way. The values used for this EA (from my own reasoning and what I got in the net) should be in the order of 10-20 pips for TP (100-200 for 5 digits) and 10-40 for PipStep/2 (100-400 for 5 digits). You can try other values (like with other currencies) but the way this EA works they shouldn’t be too different.

Ok thank you very much for your help.

Mine were…


So I made them


I am trying Tengeri 1.4.3

Does the EA still go into huge draw down? I am looking to see how it reacts differently with these settings.

I gave this EA another chance. I used a somewhat aggresive set (I changed it a little after the first days).

af4= Use EUR/USD M1 and USD/CHF M1 simultaneously
a=-------1-st order bar -------
b=-------1-st order Silence -------
ñ=-------Legs Silence -------
k=------- Legs MA -------
Block=-------Values -------
GeneralBlock=-------General Values-------
d=Friday Session Limitations
InformationOnChartString=InformationOnChart - Turn OFF when use tester (slows down)
af5=Enjoy Your Trading

In the beginning I used a LotSize of 0.01 but then I increased it to 0.02.

Hey good work [B]JP78[/B]. I am using this strategy for last 2 months and it works fine. I found that it works best in low spread brokers which has spread 1 or less like Active trades broker but I am bit frustrated with the perfect settings. So could you[B] [B]plz suggest me what will be changes in INPUT for a $1000 or $500 account with spread less than 1[/B][/B]. Tnx in advance n waiting for ur reply .:slight_smile:

500$ with this EA is suicide. 1000$ is risky. 2000$ is more confortable.
In the end that account crashed on December 31. Then I tried with another accounts. That settings were too agressive. A more safe ones would be LotSize=0.01, PipStep=80 and PipStep2=200.
Also trends kill this EA and sometimes if you have 1 or two trades and you have a movement of more than 100-140 pips it´s better to close those trades. It´s also a good idea to stop trading before huge events like Nonfarm payrolls or when you see big trends and wait a bit until it stabilizes itself.
TENGRI_Trofi 1.4.16 is much safer but it trades much less so it is less profitable. These are the settings I am trying.

b=------- Settings Corridor -------
d=------- Settings Silence -------
e=------- Settings RSI -------
f=-------Ïàðàìåòðû -------
l=Limit = AccountEquity() / ProfitThisSymbol
g=Friday Session Limitations
OfficialVariable=-------Ñëóæåáíûå ïåðåìåíûå-------
InformationOnChartString=InformationOnChart - Turn OFF when use tester (slows down)

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