Please name any good broker who offer deposit/withdrawals through Moneybookers

Guys please name any good and reputable broker who offer deposit/withdrawals through Moneybookers (Skrill). I live in Pakistan and Our country’s central bank does not allow to wire transfer funds from indivisual’s bank account to a business bank account abroad. That is why I am looking for a broker who offers moneybookers. I came to know about Can you comment on this broker? Is it reliable?

Propably etoro?

He said ‘good’.

Etoro is good. It’s just bad, that the spreads are high.

I came to know that etoro is not itself a broker but an IB that operates through other brokers. and their outlook also look kinda fishy. Have any of you traded with youtradefx? I’m going to invest with them. would love to hear from any of their existing clients.