Please share any link of the free software or web based: EX4 converter to MQL4

When the EA users say that it’s impossible to get any EX4 converters to MQL4, most coders honestly stated that it’s merely due to their marketing trick.

EA sellers most likely telling everybody that it’s impossible.

But sometimes ago I got a real explanation that almost all EAs can be easily converted to MQL4, even by using either free softwares or web based converters.

Especially by realizing that some IT people which create any “Converters” as their hobby only. And they share it for free. Btw, first of all…My problem is, whenever I requested to make any EA, the EA creators usually refuse to send the MQL4 source file. But they never tell me why.

I just lost the link of the free EX4 converters… Anyone that would share any similar links (web about converters) would be greatly appreciated. Would you please share? Thanks.