Plus500 - Is this normal?!

Hi all,
First post here! :slight_smile: recently started trading with Plus500 and i noticed this yesterday (see attachments)
Big difference, right now AEX is on 361,66 but plus500 still say’s 359,88

I emailed them asking why it is like that and got this response:


[I]Thank you for contacting us.

The rates shown in our software are the prices that we offer. The rates on display in other exchange trade sites are the prices we use for hedging when presenting the transactions to our banks and providers.

Our quotes are based on external and independent providers. We use these quotes automatically. Also, each instrument has additional providers as backup. Sometimes as trading is done globally, providers might have prices that may vary by a little margin from one another.

In addition, please note that the instrument rates in Google/Yahoo appear with a 15 minutes delay, while the values we show are current values.

If you require any further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Customer Support
Plus500UK Ltd
359 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7JL

So is this normal? or am i getting screwed here? =\

bump…? is a 1 point price difference normal???