Hey Pipsologysts!
Im kapitalo, 26 years old and currently a professional pokerplayer who trys to shift over to trading.
i am very ambitious to crush the forexmarket and my thriveto become succesfull is high. Ofc everything is a little confusing but hey to see the picture of the puzzle u need lots of pieces !
Ok ill just start explaining my first attempt of a profitable trade here( on a demoaccount).
i plotted a trendline which the market broke, since then its ranging, so there is a clear recangle to admire. after pipsology´s theory it is mostly going down after the traders have decides so BUT since its ranging on a BIG supportlevel which couldnt break for 15 days i strongly believe that it is gonna go up so i place a long with a stoploss in case the rectangles supportline gets spiked. eventhough i have read all the articles i cant realy interprete in that scenario what the osciliators are trying to tell me.
what do u guys think about my first trade ?
best regards and lots of succes amigos !